37/ You're Pregnant

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*Will include what they did when you told them and what they do all through your pregnancy after the little dashes*


When Harry found out you were pregnant, he nearly fainted. He barely knew what to do when you were on your period, how would he raise a child.

- He made sure there was no way anyone would try and hurt you or the baby.

- A lot of asking Hermione and Ginny on what to do, and them telling you after.

- Literally asking all the dumbest questions because no one told him how giving birth or anything works, and completely being mind blown when you explained the answers. Like telling him that the baby had it's own little section in the girl that's only used for making the baby.


When you told Ron you were pregnant, he wanted to be upset, but he couldn't be. The idea that he was going to be a dad was just getting to him too hard.

- Constantly saying things like 'What if I drop him on his head, and then he gets a bump and it stays forever and we can't get rid of it'

- Would do something that would make you mad in the slightest and be yelled at by your hormones, and the whole rest of the day he'd be the nicest he could

- Eating everything you're craving too. You want to go eat pizza with pineapples on top at 7 in the morning? He'll start the car and grab the wallet.


When Draco found out you were pregnant, he was a little conflicted. He acted like he was cool the whole time, and tried to act like he didn't want kids, but deep down he was overly excited.

- He would always look at your stomach in the later trimesters and talk to you, constantly saying things like 'it's really in there' and 'do you think it'll look like me?'

- Making sure you had nothing but the best, and made you as comfortable as he could.

- Bought the baby expensive things before it was even born. That baby be rocking Gucci in the womb.


When you told Neville you were pregnant, he didn't know how to react. Half of him was really scared and the other half was overjoyed. He picked which one to show and practically jumped up and down, before kissing you.

- Doing everything and anything you wanted to do without a second question. You merely had to say you felt like watching movies before he had one on.

- A lot of cuddling and kisses came from him, he showed you all his affection and you completely loved it.

-He still couldn't get over the fact that now there were two heartbeats in your body, and nearly passed out when he felt it kick for the first time.


When you told Fred you were pregnant he had to do a double take, and make sure you weren't joking. After showing him the test and convincing him all the way, he smiled so wide and hugged you, trying not to squeeze the small little developing baby.

- Constantly kissing your belly, and making baby jokes. No one knows how in the world he came up with them or what they were, but they were made.

- Stopped goofing off and actually got serious when you started reaching your last few weeks of pregnancy.

- Whenever he knew you were in a bad mood he'd try and convince you all the good things about being pregnant, so you'd hopefully do it again. And it worked.


You're not.


When you told Oliver you were pregnant, all the tears he had almost shed at the wedding came out now, spilling down his face as he lifted you and spun you around.

- Would not like it whenever you tried to compete because he didn't want neither you or the baby to get hurt.

- Nonstop talking about the baby and it's future. He's always thinking about what in the world it will look like and how it will act.

- Got super protective, he won't even let you handle a stove without being there to make sure you did it safely. And god help anyone who dare make you mad, or try and hurt you, or even accidentally bump your shoulder.


When you told Cedric you were pregnant, he was so ready. He had been waiting for this moment for a while, and now that it was finally here, he was super happy.

- Would lay his head on your stomach and talk to the baby, and you would laugh every time the baby would kick him in the head.

- Is so ready to be a dad, he really wants to be a dad. Tells everyone he knows that he's gonna be a dad whenever he see's them. He's just waiting for the day for the baby to be born, and when he finds out it's triplets, he nearly explodes.

- Will help you with everything, even if you don't need help, he's there. Trying to get out of bed? Cedric will help you. Want to cut some apples? Cedric's got it.

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