22/ What they worry about

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Harry worries that he can't protect you. The fear goes, for the most part, away after Voldemort is killed.


Ron worries you will just get fed up with his jealousy and insecurities and leave him, going off to find someone better. He's worried he will end up in second, again.


Draco is worried that one day you'll just stop seeing whatever you see in him now, and you'll leave him in the dust.


Neville is worried that you will get hurt with him. He can be a bit clumsy sometimes and doesn't want to endanger you.


Fred is worried that you'll stop finding him funny and that he'll lose the ability to make you laugh.


George is worried that you'll overlook him, and that he'll just be pushed aside while you go for the more noticeable, like someone popular.


Oliver is worried that his love for quidditch will start being too much, and at one point you'll get tired of playing it with him.


Cedric is really worried that one day you'll actually see him as self-centered, even though he can be one of the most self-less people you know. He's just scared you'll lose interest, and he knows that if people saw you the way he did, guys would be all over you.

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