Chapter 28

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After (Y/n)-chan shouted that we needed to use our quirks we follow as what she said.

'One for all..Full Cowling'

I activated my quirk and begin to attack the beast coming at us..As like what the others did Kacchan used some of his shots like explosive fist,Todoroki uses his ice and (Y/n)-chan uses her Earth Dragon type and Iida used his burst mood to his quirk.

And we destroyed the beast.

"You guys destroy it just second."I heard Sato said.

"Awesome!"Sero said.

"Guys..It's not yet finished."I look at (Y/n)-chan and she was right there was more beast.

"(Y/n) is right we're not done."Kacchan said.

"Hey come on! Don't you think this is a little unfair."Kaminari said.

"What now do we need to run?"Ashido said.

"Okay..If we can't make it to the camp fast enough we won't get anything to eat."Sato said.

"He's right we have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route."Yaoyorozu said.

"All right..Let's go class 1-A!!"Iida shouted and we all get ready to fight with all the beast that's coming to us.

"I spot three up head and two flawking each side."Shoji said.

"And two more beast like we encountered just now."(Y/n)-chan said.

"You can also feel them?"Iida asked and (Y/n)-chan nods.

"My Earth type can sense anything around us I can sense them when they move."She said.

"So seven total..They're coming!"Jiro said.

"All right!"Sero said and started to use his quirk.

Sero used his tape quirk to tape the flying beast's wings and it fall down..Sato eat some sugar to gain his body more mascular..Kirishima activated his quirk to punch the beast's leg and Sato directly aiming a punch to the beast's chin..Tokoyami let Dark Shadow out and Dark Shadow starting to punch the beast..Ojiro uses his tail to take down the other beast..Aoyama climbed up in a tree and uses his quirk to shot a laser to the beast while Mineta throw his purple balls which is his quirk to the beast and Kaminari helped him using his electrification quirk and he was ended being in 'yay' mode..Koda used his quirk to call some birds to distract the beast his facing along with (Y/n)-chan and (Y/n)-chan punched the beast's head using his dragon strength.

|~HER~|💗 ~|Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Shoto Todoroki|~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt