Chapter 32

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It's been a minute since we force to stop the Vanguard Action Squad from leaving the training camp while trying to get Katsuki and Tokoyami and also protecting Izuku-Kun,Shoto-Kun and Shoji.

"Why don't you guys just give up and be with me!"Blake shouted trying to attack me but I punched him in the stomach which he grumbled down.

"It's no use fighting us.."Yato said.

"Just surrender and give us the hostages."Daun said.

"Somethings wrong.."I said.

"What's the matter?"Daun asked.

"They must be 7 where is the other two?! The one who has smoke and the nomu?!"I said.

"Right behind the other one!"



Without hesitation I jumped at the scene and pushed Yato out of the way and luckily I only receive a sing scratch at my waist.

"What a luck..But we need to go Vanguard Action Squad."Kurogiri said.

"You guys are not going anywhere..You're trapped under your shadows."Daun said while holding all of the villain's shadows.

"W-What the h-h*ll?!"

"It's no use of escaping now!"Yato said.

"Give us Tokoyami and Kacchan back!"I heard Izuku-Kun said and was planning to attack the villain who had them when I stopped him.

"Just please let me!"He begged but I only glare at him.

'I wanted you to help him too Izuku-Kun,but in your condition you can't save them..'

And just when I turn around a laser came through out of the bushes and shot a quick attack at the villain's stomach who held Katsuki and Tokoyami..Making the villain spit out the small balls on his mouth and I quickly took the other one and I was aiming for the other one too,but Blake took it and uses his quirk to throw me away which Yato catch me before I could go further being rolled down.

"THE OTHER ONE!!"I shouted.

"DAUN!!"Yato shouted.

Daun was on the ground bleeding and holding his left arm and was about to get stabbed by the crazy villain girl when Yato jumped in and save Daun and kicking the girl in the stomach which makes the girl being take down.

|~HER~|💗 ~|Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Shoto Todoroki|~Where stories live. Discover now