Chapter 14

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I wanted to follow them,but my body won't move!!..


Why I can't move?..

I watched as Mr.Aizawa fought the villains and one by one defeated them..

He's really a pro hero..



My body finally moved and I looked behind me and saw that a villain was using his quirk to get my classmates in the portal..

"WIND DRAGON!!"I quickly changed my dragon type and headed towards them.

I use my quirk to create a smoke rope and to pull my classmates..

But most of them were taken into the portal..

"Thank you (Y/n)!!"My classmates thanked me.

"It's nothing..But the others are gone!..Where did you take them?!"I said.

"Don't worry about that they are in this place but got scattered and needed to fight the villains in order to make sure they are safe from death.."He said.


"What a strong fighting spirit you have.."He said.

Whenever he talked he's just so calm..It makes me mad more..

Just hang on a bit there Izuku-Kun i'll make sure to help you..

"Put into a fight stance and let's create a circle everyone!!"13 said and we followed.

"Iida?"I called out.

"What is it (Y/n)?"He asked.

"You can run as fast like a cheetah?"I asked.

"I can say yes because my quirk is Engine.."He said.

"Good..Let's have a comprise a bit everyone..I have a plan.."I said.

I told them my plan that we need to open the huge door and let Iida get out and went to U.A. to get a help from our teachers and the other pro's..

"That's a good idea!"Momo said.

"Yes,Let's do it!!"Uraraka said.

"What are you even doing just to chit-chat?"The villain Kurogiri said.

"Okay let's get into these!!"Everyone said.


I got ended up in the Earth quake zone..

I must get back to my classmates..

"Look it's like a weakling one lets defeat it!"

They are also villains in here but before my plan I must defeat them and ask some questions...

I froze every single villain that was coming towards me and ask what are they doing here,but none of them answered..


I freeze another villain before he could hurt me..

"You damn kid!"He said.

"Your like a monster!"He said again.

"My question is simple and I could say the answer is simple why all of you are here?"I asked.

"Why would we even tell you?!"Another villain said.

|~HER~|💗 ~|Izuku Midoriya x Katsuki Bakugo x Reader x Shoto Todoroki|~Where stories live. Discover now