Addressing Concerns Over My Book(s)/Return

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Hey guys! What a surprise this is, I'm here after so long. I believe the last time I published a chapter was way back in late August right before school started. I'd like to start off by apologizing for the fact that I was gone for so long. Even though I haven't been publishing chapters and actively writing, I have still been reading through notifications and comments and messages left on my profile or in my private messages and I'd like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support this book and read it even if I consistently take long breaks and disappear for a bit.

That being said, 2020 is coming to an end and while it hasn't been the best year let's hope that it gets better in 2021! I wish nothing but the best for everyone this coming year and I hope that you're all safe, healthy, and happy.

Finally, the part you've been waiting for. Will I continue this BTS 8th Member book? The answer is yes, I will be continuing it. But I'd like to be fully transparent and explain a few things. One of the reasons I didn't update this book is that I've recently fallen a bit out of love with K-Pop. Please don't come after me in the comments for that statement. I am not saying I despise K-Pop and don't want anything to do with it. I still very much enjoy many K-Pop songs and I still fully support BTS and many other K-Pop artists. Recently, I just haven't been up to date on the activities of these people though and that has led me to not indulge in the music as much. The reason I bring this up is because it is slightly difficult to continue a book that is centered around people that you are not necessarily up to date with which is why I was gone for an extended period of time. Even if I'm not actively staying up to date with BTS and other K-Pop music/activities, I do want to continue this book because I still love and support BTS and many other Korean musicians and artists. BTS on their own have done great things for me and carried me through some tough years of my life which is one of the many reasons I will always love and support them, their music, and their activities. In conclusion, I will still be updating this book. Do not fear. But it might be as "up to date" and "current" as expected.

Moving on, another question I receive often is how often will I be updating? The truthful answer is that I simply do not know. I have a life outside this book and writing on Wattpad. I have school to get through and many other side projects such as a podcast that I have recently started with a good friend of mine. This book started out as a side project and I'm very grateful and happy with how far it has come through these last couple years. One of the reasons I made myself come back to writing is that I don't want to leave things incomplete and open-ended. I feel as though the right thing to do is to offer closure and complete this book as well as Regal. That being said, yes there is an ending for both books. I am not sure how often I'll be updating and when the books will end but I'll get around to that eventually.

Lastly, for those of you wondering "what the heck is up with Regal?" That book will continue. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, and maybe not next week. But it will continue eventually and I hope to be able to finish that and not just leave it with 3 or 4 measly chapters.

In conclusion, Happy New Year from ohman_holykook! I hope you guys are safe, happy, and healthy and thank you once again for all the continued support. Hopefully, 2021 will be a better year for everyone and I will be able to go back to consistent uploads. And lastly, if my book has made you crack a smile, giggle, or laugh then just know that I am extremely satisfied and happy that I could help make this dreadful year better even if it was just for a moment. That being said, a chapter might be out soon *wink wink* and I look forward to interacting with everyone as well as writing again! Love you all and Happy New Year!

- ohman_holykook

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