Cuddles [3] (Hyung Line - Part One)

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Author's Note:

yes. i'm bringing back the cuddles chapter. yes. there's gonna be a series. regrets? none. this time however it's like mini scenarios and explanations with each member ya feel? y'all will understand in a min when u read lol but here ya go guys

also wait holup can we talk about how y'all continue to support this book??? like we surpassed 400K recently and like we continue to grow??? like i kid u not in just a few days u guys took us from 398K to i wanna thank y'all for all the love and support like u guys have no idea how much it means to me and makes my day to log in and see the reads growing or someone voting on a chap or someone commenting (yes i read every single comment trust me). i love y'all :)

also if y'all wanna be friends on bts world my code is: TN3P84C (username: kook182) leave your codes in the comments if you wanna be mah friend (my goal is like 2 friends please help a fellow ARMY out hehehe)


1. Namjoon

Jae and Namjoon weren't really known for having full on cuddle sessions but the girl had often been called 'the leader's baby' or 'the leader's princess' by ARMYs all over the world. The two could usually be found displaying some sort of casual skinship, whether it was a simple hand on her back or an arm around her shoulders.


It was a late night at the dorm when Jae decided to walk into Namjoon's studio, tired, sleepy, and clutching a teddy bear. The door was unlocked as the girl let herself in and plopped onto the couch next to him. The boy had been reading a book in hopes of inspiration for a new song when he felt the couch dip as a weight settled next to him.

Jae laid her head on his shoulder and Namjoon slung an arm around the youngest member's shoulders. He pulled her into his body, keeping one arm around her while he continued to read the book in his hands.

"Tae, Jiminie, and Kook are playing games together in my room and I'm tired," she said simply, sighing as she turned her head to nuzzle into the leader's chest. He hummed in acknowledgement, knowing that this was a usual occurrence. Jae would escape to his soundproof studio for refuge whenever she wanted to escape the noise of the maknae line.

The two sat in silence and Jae slowly drifted off to sleep on Namjoon's couch, still holding her plushie to her chest and comfortable in Namjoon's tight hold.

2. Jin

These two shared a sort of parent-child relationship and Jin usually showed his affection in parental ways. He'd bug her about eating all her food and yell at her for not wearing enough layers when it's cold outside. But the two had their soft, cuddly moments as well.


Jin was cooking while Jae sat at the kitchen's island, trying to finish up some homework for school. Jae had her head in her left hand while her right hand lazily scrawled over the paper in front of her. At this point she didn't care whether or not the answers were right, she was just tired from the busy day she had had.

Jin hummed the tune to a song as he stirred the contents of a pot on the stove. He turned to the island where he had left some cut vegetables to be added to the pot in a few moments. He looked up to see the youngest member's mouth wide open, eyes closed, and writing hand limp. He chuckled as he watched her head slowly drop out of the hold of her hand and she jolted awake at the sudden movement.

Jae sniffled and picked up her pencil, determined to finish the homework. However, her efforts were stopped as the pencil was taken out of her hold by Jin.

"Yah, if you're tired don't worry about the homework and go sleep," he said.

"But I have to finish," Jae whined. "This is due tomorrow morning."

"It's ok, I'll get Namjoon to do it for you or something just go sleep."

"Too much effort to get back to my room," she said, her head now on top of her folded arms.

"Aish this kid. Come on then, I'll take you to bed." Jae lifted her head to see Jin crouched next to her, ready to transport her in the form of a piggy back ride. She giggled before crawling onto the broad-shouldered man's back. The two made their way into Jae's shared room before Jin dropped the girl onto her bed.

"Tuck me in!" she said, as Jin turned to leave.

"Aish ok ok fine."

Jin pulled up the large blanket, covering his dongsaeng's body before finally tucking it around her. He grabbed one of her many stuffed animals, handing it to her to hug as she fell asleep and then turned to leave again.

"No wait. You have to tell me a story!"

"Are you four years old for me to be telling you bedtime stories?"

"Yes. Now go on. Tell me a story."

Jin only sighed as he motioned for Jae to scoot over. He sat down and Jae laid her head in his lap, looking up at the older man expectantly. Jin started to absentmindedly play with the girl's short hair as he started to speak.

"Ok. So there was this house. And in the house were seven animals. The seven animals were really good friends, almost like a family. They would do everything together! The animals were eating their dinner one night. It was dark and stormy outside but the seven animals were all cozy and warm inside as they laughed and ate the food they had cooked together."

Jin looked down to see Jae slowly closing her eyes.

"Suddenly, a knock was heard on the door of the house. 'Let me in!' the voice yelled. The seven inside were scared but one brave animal decided to go and see who it was. The brave one walked up to the door slowly and looked through the peephole only to see a little pig. But the pig was very muscular. One could call it a 'muscle pig'."

Jae giggled at Jin's statement.

"The pig looked to be pretty young. Maybe not younger than the youngest of the seven animals in the house. But it was still very little. Even if it was small in age, the size of the pig scared the brave one that had gone up to the door. 'Let me in or else I'll break the door!' the pig yelled again. The brave animal screamed and ran back to the other six. But the youngest decided to walk towards the door and the muscle pig that was behind it."

Jae had closed her eyes at this point, her breathing slowing as she started to drift into a deep sleep. Jin, however, didn't notice and continued his story.

"The youngest slowly opened the door a bit while the other six cowered behind the kitchen's island, watching from the sides. The youngest talked to the muscle pig for a couple minutes before swinging the door open and letting it in. 'Ahhh! Why did you that? I'm scared, help!' some of the other animals screamed. The youngest quickly calmed them down and showed them that the pig was just as harmless as a bunny. It just needed a place to stay for a little bit because of the storm that was raging outside. After eating together and talking for awhile, the seven original animals had gotten along quite well with the muscle pig. And soon, the muscle pig also became a part of the family. The end."

Jin looked down to see Jae fast asleep, a small smile on her lips as she breathed in and out slowly. He leaned down to kiss Jae's forehead and then leaned his head back against the headboard of the bed, closing his eyes as he also fell asleep with the youngest member.

15 Minutes Later (some comic relief hehehe)...

"Jin hyung! Something's burning! You left something on the stove! Help!" But Jin was fast asleep as was Jae.

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