Ships (Hyung Line)

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Author's Note:

guys, i'm thinking of moving the author's note to the beginning of the chapter...i feel like it's better if i explain ish in the beginning lol

so yea here's are the hyung line bangtan ships jae is in and a quick little description for each. i'll be back with maknae line soon! enjoy!

also guys this book is growing faster than i ever imagined! thanks so friggin much for 11.7K! that's like a whole extra 1K from last time! aiuwrhgwr aaaah i love y'all!


NamJae/RMJ/JoonJae: As leader of the group, Namjoon's job is to look out for everyone in the group. But it's no doubt he showers Jae with a little more attention than the others. He's one of the boys that will give her anything she wants, swayed quickly by a cute pout. If Jin says no, Joon's the one she goes to. He is always looking out for her and can quickly detect her moods and feelings.

When she's had a bad day, he's usually the one she'll confide in and talk to. Or he just holds her until she's done crying, consoling her and keeping her close to him so that she knows he's there for her.

Namjoon also likes to keep her close when he works because Jae's creative flow inspires and helps him when it comes to writing lyrics or making music. It's obvious the leader has a soft spot for the girl and it's one of the cutest, most innocent ships in the fandom.

Jaein/SeokJae: Jin is the parent figure Jae never really had. As a child she was deprived of the two most important role models in her life and came into the industry as a young child. She was still growing, still developing and Jin was the one that took her under his wing. With the help of the other boys, he raised Jae ever since she joined as the young 14 year old she used to be.

Jin is always taking care of Jae just like Namjoon, making sure she's eating and sleeping. Her health is his number one concern, as is any parent's over their child. If she's ever injured, he's the first to check up on her and make sure he's doing whatever he can to make her feel better. If she's sick, he's the one taking care of her.

In turn, Jae looks up to Jin. Every now and then she'll even call him "dad" or the occasional "mom" to humor his parental figure but also to display the respect she has for him. As less popular ship among the fandom, but definitely one that shouldn't be overlooked.

YoonJae/JaGi (a play on words from "jagi")/JaeGa: Yoongi is known as a cold man, but when Jae's around, he's a totally different person. He never uses his savagery against Jae, opting instead to shower her with praise and compliments. The two work together very well and are constantly found in each other's studios.

While he's quite cold and not so apparent with the way he cares for the other boys, he's extremely open about caring for Jae. He's the overprotective older brother when it comes to Jae. He's not only overprotective but also quite possessive. "Mine" is usually a word that he associates with Jae.

The two are always falling asleep together as well. The fandom knows Yoongi likes napping, but he LOVES napping with Jae. Whether it's at the dorm, backstage, or breaks during any filming, the two can be found laying on whatever's available, cuddled close and fast asleep.

Jae-Hope/Jaeseok: When Jae and Hoseok are in a room, no one is upset. The two are known for constantly spreading their happy, positive vibes. It doesn't matter which member is down, the two are there to cheer everyone up. What's even better is that they're always there for each other. When one of the two is down, the other immediately finds a way to put a smile back on their face.

The two are also the dancers of the group. Jae and Hoseok are always up to date on new dance trends and styles. They're always releasing little clips of dance covers they do and always experimenting with choreography. They also help with BTS choreography and are the ones that the other members turn to when they're struggling with a few moves.

Jae has a deep respect for Hoseok due to his rapper status. As a man that originally was put down for vocals but then switched to rapping, Jae knows that Hoseok had to learn quickly and develop his skills. She's always complimenting his improvements and talking about his evolution as a rapper.

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