Ships (Maknae Line)

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Author's Note:

aight i'm back with the maknae line ships bois! hope y'all enjoy this one!


JaeMin: Jimin and Jae are the two that make the fandom frustrated. At times they're flirty with each other. And at other times, the two are super cute together. Jimin might have a hand on her thigh during an award show, claiming what's his or he might have an arm around her as they cuddle. These two are big on skinship and can always be found close to each other.

Jimin is naturally a very caring person and he goes out of his way to care for Jae. He might not pose a parental figure, but he is definitely one to show his love and adoration for the girl. He's always asking about her, keeping her involved, and assuring himself of her presence. He eats with her to make sure she's eating and always checks on her before he heads to bed.

As Jimin cares for Jae, Jae cares for Jimin. The older boy is quite insecure and hesitant about himself. Jae was the first to notice when Jimin would question himself and ever since the beginning has been there to talk to Jimin and assure him that he is perfect.

VJae/TaeJae/JaeHyung: These two are flirty, cute, crazy, and extra. They're the ones that are always goofing off together and having silly little conversations about rabbits on the moon. They tend to play pranks and fool around with the other members as well.

Taehyung loves photographing Jae. She does model outside of BTS but she's also his personal model and fashion consultant. Although Jae dresses more comfy, she does have an eye for style and is always ready to help him with his outfit selections.

They're also both the absolute best when it comes to fan service. The two are the most excited when it comes to fansigns. They keep the fans entertained and oblige when it comes to acting things out, being cute, or interacting with fans. Jae is also a huge fan of his acting and can constantly be found replaying Hwarang episodes in her room.

JaeKook: The. Most. Shipped. These two are the closest members. With similar ages, similar clothing styles, similar interests, and similar personalities, it's honestly really weird seeing one without the other. The two share a room and are always cuddling, playing video games, or watching dramas. The pair workout together too.

Both of them are extremely talented in different areas and their skills complete each other. Both have excellent voices and dance as if their life depends on it. He can draw, imitate, edit, rap, and excel physically. She can speak many languages, play multiple instruments, write music, and help compose and produce. Both are considered the Golden Pair because of their wide range of talents.

The two are also big on food. With the appetites of starving elephants, they're constantly eating together. They release many covers of songs and dances together as well. RM once mentioned that if BTS ever made units, these two would probably be the best unit. Both also constantly practice martial arts together since they are both proficient in the sport.

Jungkook is clingy, jealous, protective, and possessive when it comes to Jae. He's always pulling her closer to him and keeping her by his side. He even gets jealous of the other members every so often, claiming that she doesn't spend enough time with him. If any guy looks at Jae for a few seconds too long, he's staking his claim on her somehow.

Jae also loves wearing Jungkook's clothing. His shirts, sweatpants, jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, beanies, and hats all belong to her just as much as they belong to him. He usually isn't too fond of sharing but if it's with Jae, he's more than happy to loan her some clothes.

No one is really sure about these two as a couple. They do have matching bracelets and matching clothes and they also tease ARMYs with their closeness. They'll have you screaming at your screen going "WHY AREN'T YOU TWO DATING YET?" and honestly, we don't know why they're not dating yet. This ship is one that still has a lot of exploring to do and definitely the most popular among the fandom.

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