Little Lion

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Author's Note:

awiurlsjgkawuigw guys y'all are so cute and supportive fuck i love u all anyhoo here's a super short chapter on a new nickname for jae idk where this came from but enjoy

also the chap is SUPER SHORT so uh oops? hehehehe sorry but don't wahhry guys the next one will be longer i promise :)

also uh here's what this chapter was infired by lmao

also uh here's what this chapter was infired by lmao

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BTS was at a concert venue, getting their hair and makeup done. Jae was one of the first to start and the first to finish since she had long hair and extra stuff that needed to be taken care of. She decided to read a book on her phone while she waited.

She walked to one of the couches where Taehyung was also sprawled out and sat next to him. The boy looked up, catching her figure sitting down in his peripheral vision. Jae laid her head on his shoulder and took her phone out of her pocket, opening up the book she had recently started.

The two sat there for awhile, Tae on his phone and Jae on hers. She had gotten through two chapters when her eyes started to droop. Being a stubborn person, Jae forced her eyes open as she attempted to finish her third chapter. Then she started to yawn.

She squeezed her eyes shut, the skin around them wrinkling together. Her mouth opened up in an elongated matter and her tongue flattened, the tip reaching past her lips. She moved her head back, leaning farther onto Taehyung as she yawned.

Taehyung laughed before saying, "Cutie. You yawn like a lion. A baby lion cause you're small and cute." Jae pouted.

"I'm not a lion and I'm not that small!" she said.

"Psh, you wish. You look like a baby lion. I'm gonna call you little lion now."

"Fine then. I'm moving to where Namjoon oppa is sitting." She walked away as Taehyung just smiled.

A little while later, Jimin had found a lion plushie. He was combing its hair and playing with it when Taehyung found him.

"Oh my god, is that a lion?" he said.

"Yep. I found it on top of that shelf." Jimin replied.

"All we need is for it to yawn and it'll literally be Jae."

"What do you mean?"

Taehyung scanned the room until he found Jae's face next to Namjoon. At that exact moment she tilted her back, yawning again. Tae furiously tapped Jimin's shoulder and pointed at the girl. Jimin laughed as he realized what Taehyung meant about the lion yawning.

"Doesn't she look like a little lion?" Taehyung laughed. Jimin just nodded, hunched over from laughing. All their noise had caused the other members in the room to look over and V quickly explained what was going on, much to Jae's dismay.

"Oppa! I'm not a lion!" she whined. Taehyung just laughed and held up the lion plushie, waving it at her to tease her even more.

Now, Jae had yet another nickname. Little lion.

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