Sock Sliding

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Author's Note:

yEet i am back my dudes with a very short chapter today (sry) but its still a chapter! this is based on something i personally love doing in my kitchen and i was like LMAOOO IMAGINE IF JAE DID THIS and then this chapter was born :)

enjoy and i'll be back with more soon! love u guys!


Jae had a habit of sliding around on the kitchen tile in her socks. Regardless of how many times the other members warned her, she continued to run into the kitchen and let her feet slide across the smooth surface.

Jae was in a peppy mood as she got up and headed to the kitchen with her empty bowl. Hoseok, Jin, and Taehyung sat in the living room talking while Yoongi was in the kitchen making himself an omelette.

Yoongi watched through his peripheral vision as Jae's mouth turned up into a grin as she prepared to run and slide through the kitchen holding her bowl. He turned back to the omelette in front of him, poking at it with his chopsticks to check if it was cooked through.

"You know you're gonna fall one day and hurt yourself sliding through the kitchen like that," he said.

"Right but today isn't that day!" she yelled excitedly before breaking into a run. Yoongi chuckled at her childlike innocence and enthusiasm.

Jae ran forward with a wide smile, ready to slide across the floor as though she were gliding along smooth ice. She stepped onto the tile and let the momentum she built move her entire body across the floor of the kitchen. It all happened so quickly but before she knew it, the girl was sprawled on the floor, no longer smiling with naive glee.

Yoongi heard the ceramic bowl fall and clatter, breaking into several pieces. He threw his chopsticks down and whipped his entire body around, eyes filled with concern.

"Yah! I told you not to slide around like that because you're gonna end up getting hurt and now look at what you've done to yourself!" he scolded her out of worry.

"Owww," Jae whined, clutching her socked ankle.

The three boys had heard the commotion from their spots in the living room and rushed into the kitchen to see what had happened. Taehyung and Jin immediately started to baby the girl on the ground while Hoseok questioned Yoongi.

Namjoon, who had been walking downstairs, almost sprinted into the kitchen when he heard something break. He caught sight of the broken bowl spread out all over the kitchen, the girl on the floor, and the four boys surrounding the entire mess. He facepalmed before raising his voice.

"Guys, there's shards of the broken bowl all over the floor. More of you are going to get hurt if you carelessly walk around the kitchen like that. How about you all come out and one of you help Jae up and bring her as well? Then we can clean up the bowl and figure out if Jae is ok safely," he reasoned, "Also there's a burning omelette on the stove."

Yoongi's eyes flew wide open as he turned off the gas, pouting at his now ruined omelette. Taehyung was quick to reach to pull Jae up but she whined again.

"Wait Tae it hurts."

"What hurts?"

"My ankle. I think I rolled it when I fell."

Taehyung didn't hesitate to pick Jae up, letting her koala herself to his front like a toddler. He mumbled something along the lines of 'no pressure on it for now' as she giggled and held onto him.

He set her down on the couch and let Jin look at her ankle. The man held it and rolled it around as Jae winced.

"Try putting some weight on it," he ordered. Jae got up and stood but flinched at every step. "It doesn't seem that bad, it's just slightly swollen and you can't put that much weight on it. Probably just a light sprain. We'll wrap it and you'll just need to ice and elevate it for a few days I guess."

Jae plopped back onto the couch with a huff. Yoongi walked to stand in the position behind her, lightly smacking her head.

"No more sock sliding for you," he said as Jae crossed her arms and pouted. She spent the rest of the week regretting her kitchen skating adventures and promising Yoongi that she would never slide around the kitchen again.

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