Cuddles (Version 2)

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Everyone had agreed to watch a movie that night. Jin cooked for everyone and brought food in bowls to the living room. Jae sat in between Yoongi and Hoseok on the floor, Taehyung also on the floor and everyone else on the couch. Everyone settled in with blankets and food, eating while watching the movie. The group had been working very hard the last few weeks and everyone was tired. Jae felt her eyes droop after putting down the empty bowl. Eventually, her head slouched and she let darkness overtake her.

Yoongi felt something heavy land on his shoulder. He looked over to see Jae's head on his shoulder, her eyes closed and her breath coming out slowly. Jae had fallen asleep. He looked closer to see how tired she must have been to fall asleep so fast and during a very entertaining portion of the movie. He slowly moved his arm around Jae, pulling her into him and laying her head on his chest so that she would be warmer and more comfortable. As he held her, he turned to Hoseok.

"Yah! Jae fell asleep." he pointed to her sleeping figure curled into him.

"Aw, so cute." Hoseok signaled to the other members and they paused the movie to stare and smile at Jae.

"Aish, she looks so innocent in her sleep." Jimin said.

"She must have been really tired. She's been locking herself in her studio a lot recently." Jin said.

"Hyung, I can take her to bed." Jungkook offered. Yoongi nodded.

"I think we should all get to sleep anyway." Namjoon mentioned. Jungkook stood and motioned to Yoongi to get up slowly so that Jungkook could take his place and pick Jae up. He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her. She automatically curled into Jungkook's body, relishing the warmth that spread from Jungkook.

"Oppa." she mumbled, earning little smiles from all the members. Jungkook took her into her room and placed her on her bed, where she once again, curled into a ball, missing the warmth from Yoongi and Jungkook. Jimin walked in and switched out her pillow, also tucking her in with the large white comforter that was on her bed. Both boys kissed her forehead before going to sleep as well.

Author's Note:

So this is very similar to the second chapter of this book, "Cuddles" but I thought this one was a little more fluffy and cute so I made another version. Hope you liked it! Also 2ND UPDATE OF THE DAY!!!

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