Rage (Part Three)

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Author's Note:

consistent updates for once wow this truly is a miracle ladies and gentlemen, here is the penultimate part of this series, last part will be out soon!

lemme just plug my other book once more: CHECK OUT REGAL, ok thanks for letting me promote, i'm done for now hehe

also...I LOVE YOU GUYS :)


A week and a half had passed with no sign of Jae. The boys had been tense, restless, frustrated, and worried. Each of them was an absolute mess in her absence.

Namjoon nervously decided to call her brother, worried that he would be angry with him for what he had said to his sister. The call rung for a few moments before Jihun's voice was finally heard.


"Oh thank god you picked up Jihun. By any chance has Jae been around?" Namjoon asked.

"Look Namjoon. I really don't appreciate the things you've said to my little sister. She works her ass off for your group and for her career and honestly, if it were up to me, I'd have her leave and continue solo. Unfortunately, she happens to love BTS and ARMY with every single fiber of her body and I don't have the heart to stop her from being a part of what she loves."

Namjoon wanted to cry as he heard his words.

"However, you have absolutely no right to call her names, accuse her of things she hasn't done, and yell at her the way you did. You are taking advantage of her love for you when you say nasty things like that. She's already been through hell and back as a child and I will not stand here and watch as she's put through all that yet again. She doesn't deserve it. That girl deserves the world and everything in it."

Namjoon sighed defeatedly, a tear rolling down his cheek as he admitted, "I know. I know Jihun, I know she deserves everything. She deserves so much better than me and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I love her with everything I have, the whole group does. And ARMY loves her as well. I regret yelling at her. I just want her back," he sobbed.

Jihun sighed into the phone. "Look. I'm only doing this because I know she loves you just as much and probably more than you claim. She was here last week. She showed up, sobbing her eyes out and locked herself in her room. I tried to get her to eat but she just explained what happened and went to sleep. She seemed to have some kind of nightmare and I managed to calm her down but the next morning, she was gone."

"Do you know where she went?" Namjoon asked frantically.

"I promise I'm being honest when I say this. I have no clue. She just disappeared. I'm guessing she's at a hotel of some sort. I would honestly say your best bet is to wait for her to come back."

"Ok. Thanks Jihun. And for what it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry to me. I'm not the one you owe an apology to. Bye Namjoon."

The phone beeped, signifying the end of the call and Namjoon put his head in his hands, frustratedly running his hands through his hair and over his face. He looked around his studio, at Jae's corner of the couch where she kept various plushies and a blanket for when she knocked out while working with him, at the lack of an extra chair in the room because he liked having her on his lap when they worked together, at the shelves of figurines that Jae had helped him put together.

"Where are you Jae? Please come back."


Two weeks had flown past when the front door finally opened ever so quietly. Jae stepped into the quiet house, signifying that everyone was in their rooms. She hoped they were all asleep as she padded into her studio. She closed the door with a click and finally turned around to face her desk only to be met with the one person she didn't want to see.

Namjoon sat in her chair, staring at her wall of framed pictures of her and all the members, one of her many photo albums in his lap. He swiveled the chair around when he heard someone enter and his eyes met Jae's familiar ones.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Jae managed to croak out, "I'll be leaving, I promise. I don't want to be the root of another problem for you. Anything to lighten the load you already have on-"

Jae was cut off by Namjoon wrapping his arms around the girl and burying his head into the crook of her neck. "Please don't go," he murmured into her hair, "please."

He pulled away, resting his hands on her waist and keeping her close to his body. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I really am. I shouldn't have blown up at you like that. I regretted it as soon as you left. I was stressed and I heard that you had been helping out all the others with their stuff while sacrificing your own health and sleep for the sake of the song and I just didn't know and I was stressed," he rambled on and on.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm so sorry Jae. I never meant to blow up at you and I will make sure it never happens again. You deserve so much better but I'm selfish and I want you. I need you Jae. The whole group needs you. I respect and love you so much Jae. You're not a problem at all, you're literally the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Joon." Namjoon finally halted, staring at her with wide, hopeful eyes but disappointed when she merely stepped back and out of his hold. "I just need to think about things for a bit ok? Also, I know I'm way past the deadline but I finished the song and another one at the company. I understand that you're sorry but I just need some space right now."

And just like that, Namjoon watched her leave yet again.

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