Hate (3 - Happy Version)

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Author's Note:

that last chapter made my cry. but here's one that's a lot happier! enjoy!

so i did promise two chapters tonight. and i shall deliver. here's the second chap of the night y'all.


"Isn't Korea like known for plastic surgery? She should take advantage of that."

"Jae can't dance for shit. I don't get why they give her center that often."

"She's just a waste of time, effort, and money."

"#KillJae cuz she's a killjoy."

"She ruins all the pictures."

"They would be so much better without her."

"I don't get what BigHit sees in her."

"A girl in a boy group. That's pretty fucked up."

"Kill yourself."

"You don't belong."

"She's the worst one."

Jae stared at the stars, deep in thought. Her own mother and father didn't care for her, ARMY didn't want need, and BTS didn't need her. She lifted herself up and emptied the rest of the papers from her jacket. She placed them underneath one shoe and then pulled 7 envelopes out of the pocket in the side of her leggings. She lifted the other shoe and slid them under it. She shed her socks and stuffed each one into their respective shoe. She walked around and picked up rocks, filling her now empty pockets with the little pebbles.

Eventually she had collected enough so that it weighed down her sweatshirt and stretched out the pockets of her leggings. She sat down next to the river once more, a single tear sliding down her cheek, followed by one more and then a few more until she was sobbing. Then she heard them.

"Jae, stop!"

"Yah! Jae!"

"Jae-ah, we see you!"

She turned to face them and then turned back to the river before pushing off. She hit the water but so did two others. She closed her eyes as she sank but then the weight on her lightened. Jimin and Hoseok were rapidly pushing her up and taking the rocks out of her pockets. Jungkook waited at the bank and grabbed her body, pulling her up to the ground and into his arms.

"Breathe. Breathe." came Jin's persistent voice as he stroked her back, standing next to Jungkook.

Yoongi had found the hate comments and was angry now.

"Jae, seriously? What were you thinking? You were going to kill yourself because of some stupid people that don't know how fucking amazing you are? Fucking hell Jae." he yelled at the girl. He wasn't angry, just upset that she felt the need to go to such a great extent because of hate. He wanted to be her to talk to someone instead.

"Don't ever leave like that again, god dammit." Namjoon said.

"Jae, we love you so much." Taehyung added. "Those people don't matter. Talk to us."

Jungkook carried Jae on his back the entire way back home as the group headed towards the dorm. Jin took her into her bathroom and sat her down, peeling the soaked clothing off of her body and running a hot shower for her so that she could wash up and be warm again. He set out a pair of sweats and one of his sweatshirts for her to wear and then made some hot soup for her to eat.

The boys were all waiting in the living room to talk to her. She walked out to see them and hung her head as she approached her waiting members. Yoongi was the first to erupt after she had sat down cross-legged in front of them.

"What the fuck is going on Jae? What the hell were you thinking?" he yelled. Namjoon gestured for him to calm down before speaking.

"Jae, we saw the pages of comments and incidents. If you were that affected, why didn't you tell anyone? We would've helped you." Namjoon said.

"Jae-ah, we love you. And we're here for you always. It doesn't matter if a few people don't like you, there are always people that are just jealous of how amazing and talented and skilled you are." Hoseok added.

"I'm sorry." she said before she broke down into tears. "I'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to bother any of you because everyone's been so busy with the comeback and whatnot. I didn't want to dump my problems onto you." she said as her body shook with the force of her sobs. Jungkook grabbed her and pulled her into his lap, hugging her tight as she kept crying.

All the boys softened up after hearing her. "Jae, just talk to one of us next time. When it comes to each other, we're all here for everyone. We're a group, we're brothers and sisters. We're family." Jimin said.

The boys and Jae hugged it out before they decided to ask PD for a short two or three day break and taking time off to spend time with each other. They turned in for the night and Jae headed to bed with Jungkook.

"JaeJae." Jungkook started. "I love you. Please don't do that. I was so scared." he said as they got into bed.

"Oppa, I'm sorry. Never again." she replied. He held her close that night, scared that if he let go, he'd lose her for real this time.

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