Hate (2)

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Author's Note:

as promised...a part 2. and uh there will be 2 versions of part 3.

also guys i'm running out of ideas someone please request some new ones until my brain decides it wants to work again k i love u bye don't hate me for this sad chap it gets worse ok i've said enough bye awiughawrig hehehehehe


"I saw Jae in person. She's even uglier than the pictures."

"I bet she weighs more than any one of the boys."

"Why is she even in this group?"

"She shouldn't have even auditioned to be an idol. She's not worthy of the position."

"Remember that time she fainted on stage? She's too weak to be an idol."

"Betchu they just tell us she produced some songs so that she doesn't seem useless."

"Donkeys sing better than her."

"Her brother's a doctor right? He should save our lives by getting rid of her."

"Scarred by her ugly performance at the Lotte Concert."

"Who I think is the worst? Lee Jae-Eun for sure."

It was a fanmeet day. An ARMY came up to Jae, holding a pink post-it-note. Jae greeted her cheerily but the girl had a sour look on her face. She handed Jae the post-it and got up abruptly, moving out of line and back to her seat. Jae looked down at the note. "You're a thief. Stop stealing the boys' limelight."

Jae had just finished a concert. The boys were heading off stage and Jae was the last one, waving goodbyes to the fans. Suddenly, something hit her right in her side, knocking the air out of her. She turned to see a full water bottle rolling away from her feet. And then there was the yell. "You don't deserve to be in the group!"

After these incidents...

Jae had locked herself up in her studio as usual, claiming to be working. The lies she spewed rolled off her tongue easily, as if they were the truth. She stared at the note she had put into a locked drawer. The one from the fanmeet. She stared at the pages of printed out hate comments, reading each one over and over again.

She had been strictly dieting and working out in an attempt to lose weight for the satisfaction of all those that had been commenting about her looks. She had even considered plastic surgery, while she had stared at herself in the mirror for too long one day. She had become a bit quieter day by day, her behavior changing so slowly that no one noticed. Her smiles were fake, her casual laughs more forced. She tried to hide in the shadows, not participating as much during interviews, shows, and other filming. She had been trying to give the boys what they deserved. A world without her.

Today she walked to the river again. She had the same outfit on as last time, the only difference being the slight sound of the crinkle of paper in her sweatshirt pocket. She sat down, dipping her feet into the ice cold water, gritting her teeth as her toes slowly numbed, no longer able to feel the pain.

She wondered if she would no longer feel the pain if she just ended it now. She shook her head, attempting to clear those thoughts from her head. But all the nights she had cried herself to sleep, all the nights she sat on the bathroom floor staring at the bottles of cleaning supplies, all the days she daydreamed about leaving forever. All those thoughts plagued her mind as she slowly pulled all the papers out, reading over the words one by one.


"Guys, has anyone seen Jae?" Namjoon asked. "I want her opinion on lyrics."

The two boys in the living room shook their heads, caught up in the video game playing on the screen. RM walked away in search of his dongsaeng. It was 12:37 AM and he had suddenly gained a bout of inspiration which led to an intense half hour of jotting down lyrics. He wanted a second opinion and naturally started to look for Jae.

He had asked the awake members and was now concerned for the girl. Accompanied by a recently woken Jin and Yoongi, the three quickly made their way to her studio after realizing that the cameras in her studio were no longer working. Yoongi tried twisting the knob, only to find it locked. He sprinted back to his studio, grabbing the little paper with the code off of his desk and running back to Jae's where the boys waited, restless and now fully awake with worry.

Yoongi punched in the numbers on the touchscreen, finally swinging open the door only to be met with a dark room. He flicked the light on hoping that she was just sleeping. He stormed over to the perfectly made bed as he yanked the covers back in frustration before huffing and sitting down on the bed, holding his head in his hands.

Jin left, going to every room and waking up the boys as he started to question them about Jae. The group gathered in the living room, some awake, some asleep, and all concerned. Namjoon had called Jae about 10 times already only for Yoongi to walk out holding her vibrating phone in his hand.

They sat down, struggling to think of where their maknae could've gone at this hour. They suggested places like the BigHit building and the convenience store across the street. But, a quick call to the building and a peek outside the window proved both places to be void of their dongsaeng. They sat, racking their brains for other possible places when Jin suddenly yelled.

"The river. The fucking river!" he yelled as he grabbed a jacket and ran to the door, slipping on random shoes as the rest of the boys followed him out of the dorm. They ran all the way, sprinting in the darkness and pushing faster when they heard the sound of rushing water. They turned on their phone flashlights as they searched the banks for a familiar girl.

BTS 8th MemberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora