Lapse (Part Two)

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Author's Note:

ah i've left you all on a bit of a standstill with that last chapter but here we go, the second part to this lil mini series (also wow what a decently quick update this is a miracle for me hahaha) enjoy! there should be one final part since these chapters are kinda long so stick around for the ending! love you all and hope ur all doing well!


Two months passed by since the doctor had diagnosed Jae with Usher Syndrome. After her initial upset, her mood seemed only to lift higher by the day. She seemed as though she was back to her normal self. On the other hand, her symptoms seemed to worsen as she slowly lost more and more of her hearing. She was still able to perform and had learned to adjust to her loss of hearing.

Her biggest issue, however, was that she could no longer make music. She just wasn't able to hear beats and melodies as well and could no longer tell the difference between notes like she used to. She had started to avoid her studio, not bothering to go near the place since she had found out she could no longer produce content the way she used to.

The group was practicing some of their dances one day and they had just finished up the new performance version of Mic Drop. Jae walked to where the water bottles lay, reaching for one when she tripped, falling onto her hands and knees.

"Jae!" Jungkook was the first to reach her side, lifting her up gently and asking if she was ok.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I just tripped. It's ok," she said. Namjoon glanced around nervously as he remembered the words of the doctor from a couple months ago. 'Individuals with the condition can also lose sense of balance as they start to lose their two senses,' she had said. But Jae hadn't lost vision. Maybe she did just trip. After all, the maknae could be a little clumsy sometimes.

But it started to happen more often. During dance practices, when she was walking around at home, once even when they were walking through the airport. She started to fall or miss a step and Namjoon started to grow more concerned at his dongsaeng's state.

It was time for a checkup and Namjoon sat, waiting in the same spot he would sit in every time they came to the hospital for her checkups. Doctor Han walked out, signalling him to stand and come to her.

"Namjoon. I'm sorry. She's getting worse. Furthermore, I think there may be more to it than just Usher Syndrome. It seems as though her physical being is getting weaker. We ran tests again Namjoon. And because of the effects of loss of balance from Usher Syndrome, she's developed Guillain-Barré syndrome. Guillain-Barré is when the immune system attacks the nerves. Her body is in a state of confusion, to put it simply. Her system is turning on itself. She could slowly go into a state of paralysis. There's a high chance she will survive and could recover from it though. So don't lose hope Namjoon," the doctor seemed to ramble but Namjoon felt as though he were reliving her first diagnosis all over again except this time the stakes were higher.

"You may leave now. Take good care of her. I've already told her what's going on, but I've made sure she has minimal knowledge of the effects. I know you wouldn't want her to hurt." Namjoon thanked Aeri for her consideration and took a breath before placing a smile on his face and walking into Jae's room to get her.

"Hey princess! You ready to go home?" he asked. Jae nodded, hopping off the bench. She seemed to slip and Namjoon acted quickly, grabbing her before she could fall. "Careful now."

The two were on the way back home when Jae spoke. "Oppa. I'm getting worse aren't I?" she asked.

"Yes but it's ok. The doctor said not to lose hope."

"I haven't lost hope. I want to make the most of the days that I've got left. I'm not a complete fool. I know what Guillain-Barré syndrome is. I'm going to be paralyzed. I won't be able to dance again. I can't hear music, I've already lost my ability to compose music. I might not be able to even hold a mic up to sing anymore. So I want to do as much as possible before anything bad happens," she said. Namjoon couldn't help it as his eyes glazed over, tears threatening to spill at any moment.

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