First Times

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The members were doing a group V-Live right now and the current topic was how each member met the others of the group. It was Jae's turn to talk and the conversation moved from Jimin to her as they talked about first impressions and such.

"I remember getting recruited for a bunch of other companies. And I was only 14 at the time so I wasn't really good at making decisions for myself. I had turned to my brother for some answers, but he told me I had to make a choice on my own. He said to follow my heart and I was confused." She looked around at the other members before settling on RM and Suga.

"What really inspired me was seeing RM oppa and Suga oppa. The two had been in the lineup the longest and seeing them work so hard towards writing, producing, and composing was truly what pulled me in. I had always had an attraction to music when I was younger, so I figured that this was where I should be. They had a passion and my passion coincided with theirs and that's what pushed me towards BigHit."

RM and Suga smiled at Jae, pleased to know they had been the deciding factor for their little dongsaeng.

"I remember seeing Jae and thinking she was lost in the building." Suga said.

"Oh my gosh! I remember that!" Jae yelled at Suga.

"Wait, what? I never knew about this." Jin said.

"I was the first one to see Jae when she walked in and she was so shy that she just stood there for a few seconds. So I yelled at her and called her a little lost girl and told her to go find her own house." Suga said.

"He yelled at me! He called me a little brat and said I shouldn't walk into random doors!" she said, offended by the memory.

Suga just laughed. "I just didn't expect a girl to show up and say she was part of the group. Especially since we thought we had everyone and that the group was closed. You were a week late, remember?"

"Oh yeah, whoops. I couldn't make my decision on time." Jae smiled.

"Wah, our JaeJae was only 14 when she walked in that day." Jimin said, recalling the memories.

"She was so little too. What happened? Did Jin put growth fertilizer in your food or something?" Suga said.

"Yah! Are you accusing me of trying to poison my little girl?" Jin yelled.

"I think the first time I really ever saw Jae was the first time we all practiced together. I was so impressed by her dancing because she was so lanky. I didn't think she could move like that with such a small body." J-Hope said.

"I also underestimated her abilities. PD-nim told me that she could play a variety of instruments and could compose music at her young age and I didn't believe it. I was super skeptical about her especially because he even said she would most probably get really into producing later on. But now here she is, writing, composing, and producing for us." RM added.

"Jae went from cute to hot." Jimin mentioned.

"Yeah, she started working out with our Jungkookie." V added.

"And all those diets." Jin said.

"Jae likes to workout with Jungkook and compete with him. It's insane watching them. They're the muscle pigs of the group." J-Hope said.

"Jae targets a specific body part and solely improves on that for a few months. I think her transformations have been pretty cool just because of the dedication and effort she puts into them. She'll say she's gonna get abs and then create a whole diet and workout specific to her body type and then follow it strictly so that she can get abs." Jungkook said.

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