
12.9K 265 104

Author's Note:

Guys. Thank you so fucking much for 100K! Like I logged on this morning and I was just jungshooketh when I saw that we reached 100K. That's like 100,000 reads. That's a lot of reads guys. Like a lot. Thank you so much for all the support and love this book's been getting. I love you guys a lot and I'll continue to write whenever I have time between school and my other stuff. I don't know how else to thank you but to write you a bit of a special chapter. (This chapter has been in my ideas list for so long so I hope you guys like it!) So, without further ado, here is my 100K chapter. Thank you and love you all!


Jae woke up stretching her arms and yawning before a small smile appeared on her face. She had planned to head into her studio and finish up some lyrics and maybe get started on a few beats for the next album today. She turned her head up to see Jungkook still sleeping, one of his arms laid heavily over her waist and his head just over hers as his chest rose and fell beneath her head as he breathed in and out slowly.

Jae stared for a few moments before deciding to get out of bed. She slowly moved away from the boy and headed into the bathroom. Eventually she wound up in her studio and set about working. She tested some beats on the multiple instruments strewn about the space and then decided to quiet down for awhile and write some lyrics. Deciding she had been productive enough, she got up and went into the dining room where most of the members were, ready for lunch.

"Hey JaeJae!" Hoseok said, ruffling her hair a bit and smiling.

"Hi!" she said back cheerily.

"Working on a song again?" Namjoon asked knowingly.

"No doubt about it." she replied.

"Alright guys, that's the last dish. Let's eat." Jin said as he placed a bowl of soup on the table, completing the set up. Everyone sat down to eat and talk. Shortly after Jae finished her lunch, she headed back to her studio to resume working again. But her stomach was churning.

'What is this feeling?' she thought. Her stomach was rolling and she felt as though she were about to throw up. She placed a hand on her stomach uncertainly and waited for any other signs. When nothing else happened, she resumed working. About 10 minutes later, Jae was on her bathroom floor, retching into the toilet bowl.

"What the hell?" she whispered to herself as she cleaned up and brushed. "That's kind of weird. I don't think Jin would cook bad food. It can't be the food." she said. Despite the weird sickness, she continued to make music and worked through the day.

It was late night when she decided to turn in and head to bed. She walked into the bedroom and found Jungkook playing a game. "Hey Jungkookie." she said.

Jungkook quickly paused his game and got up, heading to where Jae was standing. He embraced her in a warm hug, nose buried in her hair as he inhaled the sweet scent of lavender and vanilla that emanated from her. "Got some work done today?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think I've got a beat going for another song. I'm excited to start adding to it." she replied.

"That's good." he paused for a moment. Jae suddenly ripped herself out of his arms, pushing him away from her with massive force and spinning on her heel. She ran towards the door of the bathroom, bursting into it and quickly lunging over the toilet as she threw up for the second time that day. Jungkook rushed in after getting over the shock and quickly held her hair back, soothing her by rubbing her back up and down.

"Are you ok?" he asked after she was done throwing up. She looked a bit weaker now that there was nothing left in her system. She just nodded.

"It might have been today's food. But I doubt Jin would cook anything weird. It was all homemade so I seriously doubt it's the food. And you all are fine and you ate the same stuff." she reasoned, referring to the other members.

Jungkook had a thoughtful expression on his face. "Are you sure it's nothing else?"

"Yeah, maybe it's just something in the food that didn't agree with me. What else could it be?"



"Uh, when did you get your last period?"

"Like a month and a half ago. I missed mine this month."

"Jae." Jungkook said seriously.

"Oh shit." Jae's eyes widened as she realized what Jungkook was referring to.

"Do you wanna go check?"

"Yeah, can you grab a test from the store across the street?"

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere or do anything. Just stay here."


Jungkook ran down the street and grabbed two pregnancy tests off of the shelves, quickly paying for them and sprinting back to the dorm. He slipped in unnoticed and quickly ran back to the bedroom, locking the door.

"Here." he handed Jae the tests, waiting outside to give her privacy. His back hit the wall next to the bathroom and he slid down, sitting against the wall, hands clasped in anticipation.

"Jungkook." Jae's head peeked out of the bathroom about 20 minutes later. Jungkook opened his eyes and picked himself up quickly, anxiously awaiting the result.

"I'm pregnant."

"But, we've never-"

"I know."

"Then..." he trailed off, thinking of who's child it could possibly be.



"I-I need to tell you something." Jae hesitated, stuttering over her words as she looked everywhere but Jungkook's face.

"Go on," he said softly, coming up to grab her small hands in his larger ones.

"Jungkook, I-" she stopped, eyes glazing over as if she were going to start crying. She bit her lip to keep it from trembling and finally looked up at Jungkook.

"It's Jimin's."

Jungkook woke up, panting like a dog. Sweat ran down the side of his face and his neck as he stared into the darkness. What was that dream? He heard soft breathing and looked over at the figure laying next to him. Jae was curled up against him wearing nothing but spandex shorts and one of his t-shirts. A little piece of her hair was in her face and Jungkook lifted his hand, brushing it to the side.

He laid his palm on the soft skin of her cheek, keeping it there as he looked at the girl next to him. She was so beautiful. His heart had finally stopped pounding and he quickly got back into the covers before she woke up and found him awake as well. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her body back into his. Jungkook tucked her head right under his and laid her cheek against his chest. Her arms unconsciously came up to hug him in her sleep and Jungkook was quickly pulled back into the darkness of sleep after he was comfortable.

The next day after lunch, Jae and Jungkook were lounging around in their bedroom, talking in between watching episodes of a new K-drama. Jae suddenly got up and sped into the bathroom, throwing up over the toilet. Jungkook ran in with her and helped her through it, holding her hair back and helping her clean up.

"Are you ok baby?" he asked her, remembering the strange dream he had had last night. It was like deja vu.

"Yeah I'm fine. I ate those potatoes at the restaurant today and I didn't realize it soon enough but a few of them were a bit undercooked. I think it made my stomach upset." she said.

He sighed in relief.

She laughed before saying, "What? Did you think I was pregnant or something? Geez, I've never even gone that far with anyone before. There's no way I can get pregnant."

Jungkook tensed up at the realization. He was still weary after that dream he had last night.

"Yah. Are you ok?" she was waving a hand in front of his face and he snapped back to reality.

"Oh yeah. Haha. Yeah nothing don't worry." he said quickly. "So, back to that drama. I want to find out whether or not the girl is pregnant with his child or if it's the other guy's."

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