The Eye Game - Request

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Author's Note:

this one goes out to @1BTS-ARMY1 thank you for the request and i hope u enjoy this!

btw guys if y'all wanna request please refrain from doing it in the comments and just pm me instead. that way it's easier for me to keep things organized and orderly. thank you!


BTS were playing a bunch of games live and they decided to do one where you guess the members based off of a certain body part. Jae's challenge was to guess the 7 members based off of their eyes. She was given a large paper with pictures of the boys' eyes and then another paper to write her answers.

"Ok Jae. We're going to be behind you and you're not allowed to turn around and look at us while you do this. You have 1 minute to write down your answers." Yoongi said.

"Ok. I got this! Full points here I come!" she said. The boys lined up behind her and she was handed the papers. She automatically started to write stuff down. The boys were surprised that she could figure things out that quickly. But it was yet to be determined whether she was right or not.

"You have 15 seconds left!" Yoongi yelled.

"Aaaah!" she screamed.

"5 seconds!"

"Ok, ok, ok. I got it!"


The boys ran over to see if she was right.

"Jae. We have checked your answers. And you..." Yoongi said, pausing for effect. "Got 5 out of 7!"

"Wait, what? Who did I miss?"

"You switched Jimin and Jin." he said.

"What? No way! I don't wanna do a punishment!" Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Hoseok holding a toy hammer. "No! Not the hammer!"

"So you're going to get hit with a toy hammer and then we get to decide another punishment for you since you got two wrong." Yoongi announced.

"Awww, whyyyyy?" she whined.

"First the hammer!" he said. Hoseok walked forward with the hammer in hand as the rest of the guys laughed at Jae's protests.

"Oppa! I listen to your mixtape every single day! You're the king of dancing! I love you so much! Please don't hit me!" she said. Hoseok also started to laugh and Jae smiled.

"What a cutie. Too bad though. I have to hit ya." he said as he raised the hammer.

"Noooo!" A loud whack was heard followed by the squeaky sound of the toy. "I hate you." she said as she pouted. He just ruffled her hair and walked away, smiling.

"Ok, we shall now discuss what your other punishment will be." Yoongi said as the boys circled up and started to whisper. Jae pouted in her seat, crossing her arms and staring at them as she waited for a decision to be made.

"Alright! We have decided!" The circle broke up as Yoongi came forward as MC to announce the punishment. "You have 10 minutes to write as many lyrics as you can think of from DNA and Blood, Sweat, and Tears."

"Psh, easy. I wrote the majority of those songs anyway." she scoffed as she was handed a pencil and some paper.

"Ok. The timer for 10 minutes is up and go!" Yoongi yelled. Jae started to furiously scribble words onto the paper, writing extremely fast as she recalled the songs. She hummed the song as she wrote, hoping that it would help her remember all the lyrics. Eight minutes in and she had finished writing.

"I'm done!" she yelled.

"No way. It's only been 8 minutes." Taehyung said.

"Let's check for accuracy. Jae, are you confident you got it all? You still have 2 minutes." Namjoon said.

"Nope. I'm good. I know I got it." she said.

The boys gave in and started to check the songs.

"What is this handwriting?" Jin mentioned, his face masked with a humorous expression of disgust.

"You gave me 10 minutes and I had to write super fast!" she defended herself. Jin held his hands up in defeat.

"Jae-ah! You got everything!" Jimin exclaimed.

"How?" Jungkook asked.

Jae smirked. "Come on guys. I write those songs. You think I'd forget my own writing? No way." she said.

"Wah, that's so cool. Good job!" Namjoon said as they abandoned that game and continued with some others.

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