Claustrophobia (Request)

5.4K 150 14

Author's Note:

DOUBLE UPDATE TODAY YES BOIS I GAVE U TWO CHAPTERS WOWOWOW! i'm finally getting around to writing people's requests so that's a big YAY! and as soon as i'm done with requests i'll still continue to write i promise i'm tryna get back into the swing of writing and actually putting out consistent chapters. this chapter is much longer than the previous one so enjoy :)

also thanks to Sevomania27 for requesting this chapter, i hope this is something along the lines of what you wanted!

also wait holup, we hit like 750K awhile back and i'm shook about that happening like uhm what guys and we didn't even stop there, we're even further now like HWAT??? thank you all and love you guys so so so much!


Jae stepped into the elevator in the BigHit building, humming to herself and scrolling through Twitter as she reached out to hit the clear plastic button that would take her to the floor of the studio. She had arrived later since today was a relatively relaxed day. Most of the boys were already spread out in the building, attending to different activities in preparation for the new album.

The elevator doors closed and Jae continued to hum the tune, waiting patiently for the elevator to reach her floor. The last thing she expected was for the elevator to abruptly stop moving and the lights to flicker. Thankfully, they didn't turn off all the way.

Jae had jumped and almost fallen when the elevator stopped. She took a deep breath and moved to press the emergency button, but nothing happened. Nothing sounded and nothing changed. She frantically pressed it again and again, almost punching the bright red button out of frustration.

She fumbled with her phone, speed dialing Yoongi, the first on her list. Unfortunately, there was no service in the elevator, destroying her hopes of one of the boys finding someone to help her.

She tried the emergency button again but the bright red button did nothing to help her case. She slid down the wall of the elevator, legs buckling underneath her.

Meanwhile, the boys were confused. Their youngest member had mentioned she would be here soon but it had been over 40 minutes since that text. She should've been here by now. Shrugging it off as a detour for snacks, they continued to work in the soundproof studio.

Jae, on the other hand, was trying to stay calm as she sat on the elevator floor. Surely, it would be fixed. Someone had to use it soon right?

However, Jae's situation just got worse. The lights flickered again and then turned off completely. Now, Jae was sitting in darkness. She grabbed her phone frantically and turned on the flashlight but her phone, which she had planned on charging in the studio, was quickly running out of battery. Half an hour turned into a full hour and Jae's phone finally powered off leaving her in complete darkness.

It was then that she started crying. Hot, messy tears streamed down her cheeks as she felt around the small space of the elevator and made her way to the door. She had never felt this way before, small spaces weren't usually scary. But something about being stuck in a dark elevator all by herself caused every single hair on her body to stand up in fright.

She continued to cry loudly when she finally felt the crack between the two doors of the elevator. Desperately, she tried to shove the doors open with her fingers but they wouldn't budge. She stepped backwards and heard a crack under her chunky Fila shoes. When she reached down, the glass that had broken on her phone pricked her fingers and one small shard remained in her skin, drawing blood.

The girl became even more distressed and fell on her knees. She started to pound on the doors of the elevator, crying and begging for someone to come help her. She started to scream, thoughts of all kinds of horrible monsters invading her mind and scaring her even more. She swore she felt something brush her leg and she started to scream for help.

Taehyung, who was passing the elevators on his way to the bathroom, heard her voice. He stopped and listened again, almost leaving when nothing happened. But there it was again. Someone was screaming and it was coming from the elevator shaft. He heard it once more and couldn't believe it but it sounded a lot like Jae.

"Oh my god," he whispered to himself, "I think that's Jae, oh my god, she's stuck." The man leaped into action, sprinting back to the studio where the boys had all finally gathered.

"Geez Tae, almost broke the door down," Jimin teased.

"I think Jae is stuck in the elevator," he said.

The boys just blankly stared at Taehyung for a moment. "What?" Yoongi questioned.

"I was going to the bathroom and I heard someone screaming from the elevator shaft and I heard it again and it sounded like Jae. I think that's where she's been this whole time. I think she's stuck in the elevator," he explained hurriedly.

Namjoon checked the text that Jae had last sent him. "Guys, it's been two hours since Jae's sent that text about being on her way here. She might've been there for that long."

The boys immediately started to panic, running out of the studio and into the hall where the elevators were. They all heard the screaming almost immediately.

"Hoseok and Jungkook, go find help right now. Jin, call the technician and find out where he is and tell him to get here immediately," Namjoon ordered.

Jimin had found a vent next to the elevators. "Guys, this might lead to an opening in the elevator. We might be able to talk to Jae if we can get this open."

Yoongi didn't hesitate to run to his studio and grab a screwdriver. The guys gave him a questioning look when he returned with the tool in his hand. "I keep it incase Namjoon breaks something when he's over." He made quick work of the screws on the vent, throwing the piece of metal to the side along with the screwdriver and leaning in to try and talk to Jae.

"Jae, baby, can you hear me?" he yelled. Jae's yells for help didn't pause. Jimin shoved Yoongi out of the way and tried his luck.

"Jae! We're up here, we're getting help!" he yelled.

Jae's screams stopped for a second and she finally responded.

"Jimin? Jimin, help!" she said through her cries.

"Jae, we're right here ok? We're getting help. We're calling the technician. Jin is on the phone with him right now, ok? You're gonna be fine, just sit down and breathe. Can you do that? Sit down and breathe for me," Jimin said.

"O-ok, I'm s-sitting down," Jae said between hiccups from all the crying.

"Hey, are you hungry? Do you wanna eat some snacks together when this is over? What do you wanna eat?"

"H-honey butter c-chips," she stammered, barely holding all the emotions in.

Off to the side, Jin had just gotten off the phone with the technician who happened to be in the building at the moment and was heading up to see what could be done about the elevator. Hoseok and Jungkook had come back with a couple managers.

Jimin continued to talk to Jae, soothing her with his voice and keeping her mind off of the lonely environment she was in. The technician arrived and worked quickly with his team. They had to pull the elevator up and pry the doors open. The managers questioned him on what had happened while he worked. The man had quickly explained saying, "The entire elevator power system has been shot. Probably a snapped wire or something somewhere. We'll have to fix the wiring and figure out a backup power source incase something like this happens again."

In just about 25 minutes, they were able to pull the girl out of the elevator shaft. Jae stumbled out, falling straight into the open arms of Jungkook who had helped pull her out of the small opening they were able to create. She clung to the boy immediately, refusing to let go of the warm source of comfort that Jungkook's body provided.

The group headed home for the day, hell bent on comforting the youngest after her upsetting experience with the elevator. As for Jae, she became a huge fan of taking the stairs after the unfortunate elevator incident.

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