Soap (Request)

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Author's Note:

to those of you that can figure out the title congrats and enjoy the chapter hahaha but thank u to @simple-bagel for requesting this quick lil chapter (sorry if it's a bit short i didn't know how to make it longer hehe)

anyhoo i hope y'all are all doing well cuz uh i just had my first day of school after a holiday and i'm already so done yeesh but i did say i would attempt to get more chapters out and i shall deliver! i'd also like to thank all u wonderful ppl for freaking 255K reads like that's a lot of reads guys idek how but thank u and i love u guys :)


Jae was in her studio, working on a melody she had recently come up with. After getting a bit of a foundation down, she decided to take it to Yoongi for some feedback so that the two could work together to expand upon what she had done. She left her studio to go get Yoongi to come to her studio since she knew simply texting him to come over wouldn't work.

Leisurely walking down the hall, she hummed a tune and tried opening the door without ringing the bell. Surprisingly, it wasn't even closed all the way. Shocked that the door was slightly ajar for the first time, she slowly opened it just enough to poke her head into the opening. What she saw made her hurriedly put the door back in its original position and rush back to her studio, red-faced and wide-eyed.

She slammed the door of her studio and plopped down onto her bed, the scene from a few minutes ago replaying in her head over and over again. Jae decided to just shake it off as nothing and sit back down in her desk chair, turning up her music on her speakers and jamming as she pulled out some work she had been putting off for a few days.

It was about a half hour later that her studio doorbell sounded and she got up to unlock the door for whichever boy might be out there. She gasped seeing Yoongi at the door and quickly turned around walking back to her chair, leaving the door open for him to enter.

"Hey, I know you started to work on some stuff. I was wondering if I could take a look." he said nonchalantly.

"Uh, yeah." she replied, unsure of the sudden change in Yoongi's behavior. He usually never came to anyone's studio first and preferred to wait until someone came to him for help rather than taking the initiative himself. She pulled up the file that she had been working on and the older male listened, giving her feedback every now and then while she typed up the suggestions in an empty note sheet.

"Ok, if that's it, I'll get going then. Good work JaeJae." he said, getting up out of his chair and heading towards the door to leave.

"Going where huh? Back to Hoseok oppa?" Jae blurted out the words without thinking, surprised at her own sudden display of courage. Yoongi's hand froze over the door handle as his whole body turned stiff, only confirming what Jae had seen earlier. "So that was you two in your studio earlier? You sitting on his lap? Smiling and talking...a lot closer than usual? Hmmm something's a bit fishy don't you think?" she continued with her fearless words. Yoongi turned around fast, rushing over to her and slamming his hands over her mouth.

"Shhhh!" he said. Jae licked the palm he had placed right over her mouth and Yoongi leapt back, rubbing his hands against the side of his sweatshirt to get the saliva off. "Really? That was childish."

"So was leaving the door just slightly open." she smirked.

"Ok, ok. Yeah Hope and I have been getting closer recently because of how hard he's been working on his mixtape. And I was only on his lap because I didn't have another chair in the room and that was literally our only option. So what?"

"I knew it!" she yelled, "I've been shipping Sope since the beginning!"

"Soap? Like the stuff you use to wash your body?"

"Noooo, oh my god. Sope, like Suga plus J-Hope equals Sope. Duh." Yoongi just stared at the youngest member, confused. "Oh come on. I bet all of ARMY ships it too. You guys are always doing things together!"

"Ok, enough about this ship!"

"Oh but you know you like it! So, tell me more!"

"Well, I guess whatever you call 'Sope' has been a friendship thing for awhile." Jae gasped at the confession, although Yoongi stressed the friendship portion of his sentence. "We've just been like hanging out and stuff, nothing big. He came into my studio earlier and we were working on his mixtape stuff together because he wanted a bit of feedback. I really think he's grown a lot musically from when we first debuted and his positivity just kinda spread ya know. It's contagious in the best way."

"So basically...Sope is real!" she screamed. Yoongi just facepalmed.

"Aish, yeah, whatever. It's real in a friendship way. Trust me, neither of us are gay."

"But you're gay for each other."

Yoongi simply glared at the girl, still in denial but as soon as she turned for a second, he let out a quick smile, known only to him.

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