Harassed - Request

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Author's Note:

thank you to @SweetTaeMinKookiez for this request, i hope u enjoy!

also guys let's pretend jae never learned martial arts in this one aight? aight.

WARNING: btw to mah readers this chapter (if u couldn't already tell from the title) contains some language and sexual content. if ur uncomfortable reading stuff like that please don't read this chapter and skip over it.


Jae and Jungkook were on their way back home from an amusement park. They had been dropped off by their manager that morning but unfortunately, their manager's car had to be taken to the repair shop after it broke down when their manager left them. He had called a bit earlier and told them to take the train back home since no one else was available at the moment to pick them up.

"Well, he said to take the train and it's just a quick 10 minute walk. Let's go." Jungkook said.

The two put their masks and hoods up and started the walk to the station. Jungkook slung an arm over Jae's shoulder and pulled her into his side, keeping her close to him. They paid for tickets and waited a few minutes until the train pulled up to the station. Jungkook led them to a bench where they sat down and Jae's head landed on Jungkook's shoulder.

The girl was obviously tired from the day's fun as she let out a yawn and closed her eyes, resting on Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook pulled her into him and the two sat in silence. The train finally arrived and Jungkook woke Jae up. Unfortunately there were a lot of people boarding since it was around the time that a lot of people got released from work.

Jae held onto Jungkook's hand but in her slightly sleepy state, she lost him. She did board the train, just on a different car from him. Someone groped her butt while she was getting on but she shook it off and quickly headed towards an empty seat near the back, an area that was a bit darker and somewhat closed off. This car was somewhat empty, consisting of only 4 other people.

Jungkook, in the car next to her, soon realized that Jae wasn't next to him and he was frantic as he searched the faces in the car, looking for the familiar face of his dongsaeng. When he had checked twice, his worry increased tenfold. He pulled his phone out only to realize that there was no signal on the train. He cursed under his breath and pocketed his phone, trying to decide his next plan of action.

Meanwhile, Jae was half awake in her corner seat. Suddenly a foreigner from America came into her corner space. The man had a creepy feel to him and Jae looked away and squished herself into the seat, hoping he would just sit and leave soon. But he had different plans.

The man sat right next to Jae. He slowly moved his large hand to rest on her leg. She turned to look at him.

"C-can you please m-move your hand?" she asked weakly. He turned to look down at her.

"What are you doing here all alone huh? Such a pretty little face." he said as his hand went up to her face and pulled down her mask. He smirked and quickly pinned her down onto the seat. She struggled but the man pulled a cloth out from his pocket and gagged her with it. Her screams couldn't be heard and the man held her down while reaching for the button of Jae's jeans.

Jae started to cry and struggle but the man was way too strong for her. She kicked and flailed but he was persistent as he unbuckled his own pants and pulled her jeans down slightly, revealing her plain black panties.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was still worried as the train came to a stop and he got off quickly. He decided to get into another car and check there as well. He rushed into the car behind the one he was just in and looked around frantically. He couldn't see anyone that looked remotely like Jae and just as he was about to leave and try to get onto another car, the doors closed, leaving Jungkook in this car.

The man was advancing onto Jae and she continued to cry and struggle against the man's strong hold.

"Yah! Shut up you little bitch!" he whisper-yelled. Jae shook her head back and forth as the man's dirty fingers reached for her panties, sliding them down just enough so that he had the opportunity to enter her. Just as Jae thought he was going to slide into her, the weight was gone from her body. She quickly moved to pull her pants up and get out.

Jungkook had walked to the back of the car, pacing in his worry when he heard the muffled cries. It was very faint but he walked faster and then he saw it. Some bastard was on top of his Jae and was about to rape her. All he saw was red. Jungkook lifted the guy off and threw him to the ground, landing on top of him and punching the man repeatedly in the face. The guy was too surprised to realize what was happening and was quickly knocked out, but Jungkook continued to beat him up.

Then he felt it. One of Jae's shaky hands landed on his shoulder and he immediately turned and looked at her. Tears were streaming down her face and her hands were shaking so much that she hadn't been able to untie the gag. Jungkook left the man quickly and grabbed Jae, hugging her tightly. He made quick work of the gag and untied it, freeing her mouth. Her cries were now audible and Jungkook softened up at the sight.

"Jungkook..." she cried.

"Shhh it's ok. I'm here now. I'm so sorry Jae I'm so sorry. I should've held on tighter. I'm so sorry." he said.

They stood there, Jungkook holding her as she cried into his chest. He calmed her down slowly by stroking her hair and whispering soothing things into her ear. She held onto him like a lifeline and the train finally reached their stop. They moved out of the train and walked the 5 minutes back home. The two quickly headed to their room, unnoticed by the members who were all dispersed throughout the house. Jungkook locked the door, knowing that Jae wouldn't want to talk about it yet. The memory was too fresh.

Jae was sitting on the bed now sniffling and Jungkook walked over to her, sitting next to her and wordlessly pulling her in for a hug once again. The two stayed like that, eventually showering and falling asleep, Jae in the safety of Jungkook's arms.

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