Helpful (Request)

4.3K 131 14

Author's Note:

hello hello hello it's been quite a few days since my last chapter oopsie i'm sorry ahehe anyway we've reached yet another milestone at 650K and we just seem to keep growing so i'm glad that i must be doing SOMETHING right if y'all keep reading

anyhoo thank u to jelmal for this wonderfully wholesome request and i hope i've done ur idea justice! also thank u to everyone who's been reading it's honestly insane that we've just kinda skrted past 650K!

without further ado, enjoy this short chapter, i'll be back with more!


The award night had come to an end and the members of not only BTS but many other groups headed backstage where they could wind down before they headed back home. It was a memorable night as Bangtan had claimed several prestigious titles and the members walked into their dressing room with wide smiles on their faces.

"What a night!" Hoseok hollered with excitement, his face plastered with a smile that shone brighter than the sun on a hot summer day.

"Thank you for your hard work," Taehyung and Jimin said to some passing staff members that were leaving.

Jungkook leaned into the purple flowers that littered the bouquet he was holding, sniffing the source of the saccharine scent and savoring the pleasant odor. He smiled as he lifted his head, recognizing the flowers as Jae's favorite color. The boy immediately searched the room for his only dongsaeng, eyes flitting from face to face as he tried to find the familiar girl so he could gift her the whole bouquet of pastel flowers.

Jungkook's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and mild panic when he couldn't spot Jae. He slipped out of the room, still clutching the flowers in his right hand, and walked towards the last place he had seen her.

He stepped out of the hallway and onto the stage, sighing in relief when he saw the elegant yet simple black dress she wore still sparkling under the stage lights. Jae was bent down, picking up the leftover scraps of confetti and other material that littered the hardwood floor. She was immersed in helping the staff members that were cleaning up, not even moving her expensive designer dress out of the way so it wouldn't get dirty.

He smiled fondly at her humble act, watching as she rushed over to the staff holding a large handful of brightly colored confetti. He set the flowers done by the stage exit and walked out to where she was collecting scraps again.

"Oh, Jungkookie! Come help clean up, it'll go faster with more people cleaning," she said. He chuckled before bending down in his tailored black suit to start picking up the paper pieces that were left over from the award show. The two helped in silence until they were told it was time to go. Jungkook placed one hand on her lower back, guiding her gently towards the dressing room.

As they walked past the stage exit, he picked up the flowers again and wordlessly handed them to Jae.

"These are pretty," she inhaled the scent before turning back to Jungkook, "Thanks Kook."

"I thought you'd like them. They're your favorite color," he smiled before quickly pressing a small kiss to her temple. The two made their way back to the other members. Jae walked off to talk to Yoongi while Jungkook took a seat on the couch next to Namjoon.

Jungkook couldn't help but think back to how natural it had been for Jae to stay behind and help clean up even if it wasn't her job. Not only was it not her job, most idols would be too caught up with their celebrations to even think about cleaning up the mess that was made. He ended that night with a strong resolve to always look out for opportunities to help others and to remain humble no matter how many awards his group took home.

With modest thoughts, Jungkook rose from his seat to once again find Jae and continue celebrating the group's wins.

BTS 8th MemberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz