YoonJae Moments (Request)

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Author's Note:

this one's for LexiC88 thank you for requesting a cute lil chap of yoongi and jae moments because let's be honest they're an underrated ship in this book hehehe. hopefully i did ur request justice :)

also guys while i was gone we FUCKING HIT 1 MILLION READS ON THIS BOOK??? WHAT? EYE- i'm in shock omfg like that's 1,000,000 reads. that's INSANE. i love u all so so so much and i hope ur all doing well, thanks for getting this book to a milli reads i just wow i'm so shook


1. It was no secret that Yoongi enjoyed sleeping. So much so that it was a running joke within the group as well as the whole fandom. But what was even more well known was that he didn't like to be disturbed when he was sleeping. The man was notorious for unleashing his savage side if someone was to ever interrupt his precious naps.

But there was one person he didn't mind as much and of course, it was none other than the maknae herself. Jae was the only person that could pester Yoongi in his sleep and not get a mean glare and some sort of swear thrown her way.

Yoongi would never admit it but napping with Jae was probably better than napping on his own. He just loved having Jae's presence by him even if they were both unconscious and deep within dreamland.

So when he felt Jae tuck herself into his side on the couch in their dressing room after a long shoot, he didn't hesitate to shift so she lay comfortably on top of his upper body and bring his arms around her so they could nap together.

2. The group was at yet another interview during promotion times for their latest album when one question caught Jae's attention.

"Who would you guys say is the 'tsundere' of the group? And who's the most openly loving?" the interviewer asked.

Jae whipped her head around to look at Yoongi so fast, the audience was surprised she didn't get whiplash. She giggled before turning back to the interviewer to answer the question.

"The tsundere is for sure Yoongles. Deep down, he cares but on the surface he likes to come off as cold. And of course, I'm probably the most openly loving. I'm always clobbering the boys with hugs," she laughed, "but I think there's a very good reason for both of us being the way we are."

"Oh?" the interviewer questioned, excited that Jae was delving deeper into her answer.

"You see, Yoongi and I actually have relatively similar childhoods. Growing up, we both lacked parental guidance and love and that's something that I feel is extremely vital to human development. And because of the absence of that in both of our childhoods, one of us overcompensates while one of us under-compensates."

"What do you mean by that?" the interviewer prompted her.

"Well, I'm not saying either one of us is bad or anything for our difference in compensation levels. It's just a product of the unfortunate way we grew up. Because Yoongi didn't necessarily have the most supportive parents, he struggles to show a lot of love and compassion for others because he was never on the receiving end of that. And in my case, I overcompensate and find extra ways to show love and compassion because I missed out on that in my childhood. Both of us still care deeply for everyone around us, especially the members of Bangtan. We just happen to show it very differently because of our pasts."

3. Both Jae and Yoongi were piano players. They didn't get to practice too often but one day, they got lucky with a photoshoot set that had a grand piano prop. Jae was being followed by a BangtanTV camera when she chanced upon the massive prop. She didn't hesitate to pull the plush bench out and sit down.

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