Cuddles [3] (Hyung Line - Part Two)

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Author's Note:

guys i'm so sorry it's been a HOT MINUTE since i've dropped a chap but i'm back and i actually have plenty of ideas so u bet i'mma be bustin out some chapters before i go back to hell - i mean school - so don't worry i gotchu guys for the next couple weeks maybe and i'mma be sure to drop some good stuff soon

i'll be honest i'm not rly a big fan of this cuddles series cuz it was kinda just a filler while i overcame my writer's block and thought of more stuff so i might not even publish a part three with the maknae line unless y'all REALLY want it

btw i'm currently making some changes to my other book so those of u that were reading that i will be explaining everything when i release a brand new chapter (also we got to 1K on that book yayayay)

anyhoo i love u all :)


3. Yoongi

Yoongi may seem like a cold person who would push away anyone who tried to hug him or join in on his precious sleeping moments but the man had a soft spot for Jae that he just couldn't deny. The two loved sleep and could often be found sleeping together so it was never a surprise to see them cuddling.


Hoseok walked around backstage with a camera in hand as he filmed himself waking up the members for their upcoming performance. He saw Yoongi on a green checkered mat, eyes closed and Jae curled up into the rapper's side, his arm around her as they slept before they had to go onstage.

Hoseok filmed the two for a few moments before flipping the camera around to face him and speaking. "ARMY-ah, I don't know if I should disturb those two. Yoongi hyung might decide to kill me in my sleep."

The man padded around, spotting Taehyung next to Jae and Yoongi and deciding to wake Taehyung. He played with the skin of Taehyung's neck and made silly noises as he slowly woke up the sleeping man. He didn't realize that Taehyung wasn't the only one waking up.

Hoseok shifted and finally made eye contact with Yoongi.

"Y-yoongi hyung," Hoseok smiled hesitantly as he backed away from the cold man.

"Yah. Why are you disturbing me? What if you wake her up?" he gestured to the sleeping girl who whimpered and moved closer to him in her sleep. Yoongi then proceeded to curse at Hoseok who backed away slowly, chuckling at his hyung's mostly sarcastic anger.

Yoongi simply turned, tightening his hold over Jae and closing his eyes as he drifted back to sleep.

Hoseok...well Hoseok had no plans to ever disturb Yoongi's nap time again.

5. Hoseok

Hoseok was naturally a happy, cuddly person and it wasn't uncommon to find him and Jae locked in a hug or leaning against each other as they slept in waiting rooms and cars. 


One of the moments that launched the "Jae-Hope" ship was when the two members were filming an MV outside. Jae was standing off to the side, waiting for instructions and rubbing her arms up and down. She had left her jacket in the car since she thought they would be filming the whole time and she wouldn't need it but a problem with one of the cameras had halted the shoot and left the members and staff in the cold for a few moments.

Hoseok had immediately noticed the girl shivering in her long-sleeve shirt and light blue jeans. He walked over, unzipping his giant puffy jacket as he approached her.

"Aish, we can't have the maknae freeze in this weather now can we?" he cooed, stepping behind her and reaching out to grab Jae by the waist, pulling her back into his larger frame. Once their bodies were pressed together he reached around to zip the jacket back up over the both of them.

Jae giggled as the two huddled together in Hoseok's jacket. She turned around in his hold and wrapped her arms around Hoseok, resting her head on Hoseok's shoulder. The two stood like that, swaying and giggling like children while they waited for the camera to be fixed so the group could continue with their shoot.

When they were finally called to continue the MV filming, the two refused to separate and waddled into their positions, inducing laughs from the rest of the members as well as the staff. A cameraman had luckily caught some of the events on camera and a Bangtan Bomb was made and a new ship set sail.

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