Jaekook Moments (3)

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Author's Note:

my god it has been a HOT minute since i wrote one of these chapters but i feel like we've been slightly deprived of this ship recently sooooo here it is hehehe. just two moments for this one (but that's because both of them are very cute and i was like i ain't tryna give my ppl diabetes with how sweet this is getting so yeah sry if u were expecting more, there's definitely more to come later!)

also everyone please stay safe and healthy during these next few weeks i hope ur all taking care of urselves and being cautious! to all the high school seniors out there i wanted to specially reach out to u and say that i know ur anxious and upset that ur last moments in high school are being spent like this and i am so sorry and i understand the pain :( please don't be completely disheartened and make sure to reach out to all ur friends and let them know u still love them! facetime, play games, text each other, send them memes, and send some love their way because it is heartbreaking to know they may be upset over losing final moments with their friends and school! 

i love u all and by all means, indulge in this chapter while ur social distancing :)


1. The members were all getting ready to sleep in the trailer for the night. They had had a long day of filming for Bon Voyage and their time camping outside was coming to an end. Everyone piled into their beds in sweats and long-sleeve shirts, ready to get some sleep before another day of filming.

Jae had claimed a top bunk and was almost asleep under the thin blanket they were provided with. She closed her eyes and tightened her arms around the pillow she had, slowly nodding off into dreamland.

Just under a half hour later, she woke up, feeling as though she were missing something. She turned over to her other side, still clutching a pillow and closed her eyes again so that she could fall asleep again.

Ten minutes later and the girl was still awake. Even though she was in a fleece hoodie and sweatpants, she couldn't help but feel cold. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her frame and curled in on herself, wrapping her body around the pillow. Still unable to sleep, she sat up and climbed down to the ground. Quietly, she padded over to one of the lower bunks.

Wordlessly, she climbed into Jungkook's bed, tucking herself into his side and wrapping her arms around his torso. Jungkook stirred and his eyes opened slightly.


"Sorry, I was cold and I missed you."

"Come here."

Jungkook took her smaller frame into his arms, sliding one arm under her body and one over her waist. He wrapped her in a hug and caressed her head, bringing it to rest on his chest. He threw a leg over hers and grabbed the disturbed blanket, pulling it up and over their bodies. He finally stilled and closed his eyes to go back to sleep but not before pecking Jae's forehead.

The next morning, all six other members were awake and outside for breakfast. But the two maknaes lay in each other's embrace, sound asleep and complete together.

2. Vacations were hard to come by as idols. There was hardly a moment to rest with all the writing, recording, producing, dancing, and endless hours of practicing they did. On the rare occasion a vacation was granted, the members usually spent it back home with their families. After all, they saw each other every single day but barely saw their parents and siblings.

Jae's only relative was her brother who lived in Icheon and was just a short hour long train ride away. She usually left early in the morning and spent the first day of her vacations with him. After all, he was a doctor and was very invested in his work. His shifts were not too flexible and he only took days off for her. Jae would usually be back in the BTS dorm late that night, ready to devote herself to music once again.

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