Hearing (Part Two)

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Author's Note:

part two mah dudes. told ya it'd be ready for today!

here's another question:


my fav word is "pulchritudinous" and the word is used to describe something strinkingly beautiful. i like it cuz it's a fun word to say and i love watching ppl be confused when they think it's like a contagious disease or something and then i tell them it actually means fucking beautiful and they're like WOOOOAH

aight anyhoo i'm out enjoy this chap mah bois idk when i'll be back but it'll hopefully be soon cuz i love y'all too much to leave u for so long


"I know. He told me already. I'm gonna do the surgery two weeks from now. On Thursday the 24th. I don't care how low the total success rate is. I want to take the chance so that I can come back stronger to music and to you guys and to ARMY." she said.

Knowing it was useless to argue with the stubborn girl, Namjoon just let out a loud sigh. He nodded before speaking. "We will support you no matter what decision you make Jae. And we'll help you during this whole thing too. For now, let's go back to the hotel and we'll talk to PD-nim and see what he says about this."

The group made their way back to the hotel, quiet in the car and worried for what was to come. Bang PD decided to hold off on the world tour for now so that Jae could stay here and routinely visit the same hospital and doctor until after the surgery. They quickly made arrangements to let ARMY know of the situation and to reschedule dates. It was short notice, but he hoped the fans would understand that the boys didn't want to continue and perform without their beloved 8th member.

2 weeks later...

Jae had just finished surgery and the doctor stepped out of the room to be met with 7 anxious faces. He released a deep sigh before taking off his mask and proceeding to talk.

"She's done. We completed the surgery."

The boys looked relieved. "Was it a success?" Jimin asked tentatively.

"Well, she's partially lost hearing in her left ear. It's not a total loss since she can still hear but sounds may seem a bit softer or slightly muffled through that ear. It's just a very slight change though because her ear healed quite well on its own." The doctor continued to brief them on the results of the surgery for a few moments before letting the boys go.

"Thank you so much doctor." Namjoon said.

"You may go in and see her. Take care!" he said, before walking off. The boys walked in to the room and Jae looked over immediately.

"Hey JaeJae." Jungkook said softly. Jae smiled and gave each member a hug.

"Wow, doc was right." she said. The boys looked at her confused. "When Yoongi oppa and Taehyung oppa spoke on this side their voices seemed a bit softer. But I guess it's fine. I wanna try putting headphones on and actually making music or listening to music or something."

"We'll do that later, ok? Let's just get out of here for now." Jin said. Since they had suspended the tour for 3 weeks, the group had decided to go back to Korea so that Jae's ear could heal completely and that they wouldn't have to worry about anything. They arrived at 1 in the morning and settled into their respective bedrooms quickly, ready to fall asleep.

However, Jae ran towards her studio and flung herself into her chair, grabbing headphones off of the desk. She plugged them in and hesitantly put them over her ears. She logged on and clicked on a song she had been working on before they left for tour. The chords started to play and Jae heard everything quite clearly but there was something missing in her left ear. It sounded more dull on that side. Softer, and a bit muffled, just as the doctor had said.

She tried other songs and only listened through her left ear. Then she switched back to both and then only listened through her right ear. She spotted the differences immediately and her eyes welled up with tears at the thought that it would forever be like this. It couldn't be like this for her. She was one of the members that made songs for the group. And music was her whole life. There was no way this could be happening.

Jae put her head in her hands and leaned forward as different thoughts churned through her mind. Just because her stupid earpiece malfunctioned, she was in this much pain. She let a few tears drop before gathering herself together and deciding to go to bed. She walked into the bedroom and promptly fell asleep, tear stains still on her face.

1 Week Later...

Jae was in her studio, still not over the fact that her left ear could no longer hear as well as it used to. She was in a state where she tried to overlook it and keep working but it was hard when she was reminded of her disability every time she put a pair of headphones on, which was almost always since she was constantly listening to music.

It was around 6:15 PM when Jin rang the bell to Jae's studio.

"Hey Jae, could you come out to the living room for a few minutes?" he said. Jae just nodded and followed Jin out to the warm room where everyone else was seated on the couches or bean bags.

"What's up guys?" she asked, as she surveyed the room.

"Because you were so distraught about losing part of your hearing," Namjoon started.

"We decided to get you something that might help." Yoongi finished the sentence.

Jae looked at them with a questioning look on her face.

"Don't think we haven't noticed you sulking in your studio or getting mad at your headphones and tossing them around the room." Hoseok said knowingly.

"Anyway, we've been working on this since the doctor said you might lose your hearing." Jin said.

"We talked to a few headphone companies and it turns out Beats was actually willing to work with us on this." Taehyung said.

"They created two custom pairs of headphones for you. The big over the ear wireless ones and the smaller in ear ones." Jungkook said.

"The cool thing is that the left side will always be 32% louder than the right side because that's how much of your hearing you lost, according to the doctor that treated you." Jimin finished off the entire explanation.

Jae's mouth was wide open by now, jaw to the floor as she stared at the guys. "No way." she said.

Hoseok, who had left for a moment, re-entered the room holding two boxes with the Beats logo on the side. "Holy shit." Jae mumbled. He handed the boxes to her and she took them hesitantly before sitting on the couch and tearing into the packaging. "Oh my god, no way." she kept repeating until she had the bigger pair of headphones in her hands.

"Oh and we forgot to mention that they even customized it to a color combination that we knew you would enjoy. The colors are matte by the way. These are totally customized for you." Hoseok added quickly as Jae continued to stare open-mouthed at the device in her hands.

"Oh my god, thank you guys so much!" she yelled before leaping to her feet and running around to each member and giving them all hugs and kisses. "I love you guys so much, holy shit this is amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

The boys smiled as they watched their favorite little girl's face light up in joy and happiness. She had been quite upset about the whole fiasco no matter how much she denied it and they knew that the young producer would hate having uneven hearing in her ears since she relied on hearing for her whole career and life. Jae eventually tested the headphones and they were miraculous. She could hear perfectly in both ears just like it was before the surgery.

She was ever grateful to her members for looking out for her like that. They were always there to pick her up when she fell. Her brothers, her family, forever by her side.

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