Soft Moments (Maknae Line)

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Author's Note:

I'M BACK BEACHES WITH MORE SOFT MOMENTS (totally didn't take like 2948754 weeks off ahehehe mah b fam i'll attempt to be more timely about this ish)

anyhoo this is the lastttt part to this series and it is the maknae line yEet

thank u guys for all the support and love i've been getting even tho i haven't rly been updating and whatnot i seriously love u guys and i hope all is well for all of you!

ALSO IMPORTANT: i decided to skip out on a jaekook moment just because i feel like we have so many of those already so i'm so sorry if you guys were expecting a jaekook moment but trust me we'll get some later ;)


1. Park Jimin and Lee Jae-Eun

The whole group was at a concert venue in the early morning to do final checks and a super quick run through. But they had been up for so long already and everyone wanted to sleep. They had had nonstop promotions for the last few days and were lucky if they could even snag 10 minutes of sleep during the hectic hours.

They finally had a few moments to rest as they sat around in the waiting room. Everyone fell asleep the moment they sat down, whether it was on the ground, on a couch, or in a makeup chair as they got their makeup and hair done.

Jae was asleep in an extremely awkward position on a hard chair she had found. She figured that rather than finding a comfortable spot, actually getting some sleep was a higher priority. So when she found a chair in a quiet corner, she snagged the area to herself and fell asleep quickly.

Jimin had just woken up after about an hour of sleeping. The stylist had woken him up saying that his makeup was done and he could go get something to eat from the table if he wanted to. He decided to search for Jae and eat with her since he knew she hadn't eaten either.

A cameraman started following the boy as he walked around going, "Jae-ah, where are you?"

He finally caught sight of the raven-haired girl, fast asleep with her neck in an uncomfortable position and her body sprawled out in the little chair, her arms hugging a random pillow. He chuckled and walked over to her.

He tried moving her head to a more comfortable position without waking her up and finally succeeded only for her neck to snap back to its original position. Jae woke up at the sudden movement her body made and opened her eyes to see Jimin staring at her with a look of guilt on his face.

"Oops, sorry JaeJae."

"Ah, oppa. It's fine." she mumbled, closing her eyes again after re-positioning her head. He brought his hands to her shoulders and started to work the knots in her muscles.

"Our Jae has been working extra hard recently." he said as he continued to massage her. "You're so stiff, you should stretch. Let's eat and stretch together." he suggested, hands moving down to her arms and loosening the tension there.

"I don't wanna eat. Too tired."

"Hmm, fine. Let's sleep but let's move to that couch over there."

"Too tired."

"You sound like Suga hyung." With a deep sigh, Jimin finished massaging her and picked Jae up bridal style. He walked to the couch and sat down, positioning Jae against him so that she could sleep comfortably. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a fuzzy blanket and got up for a second to grab the blanket. He came back and draped it over the girl and sat back down next to her. Jae curled up into Jimin's side and let out a breath. Jimin kissed Jae on her temple and promptly fell asleep with the maknae.

2. Kim Taehyung and Lee Jae-Eun

"Ok, go to sleep now Jae-ah. I'll see you tomorrow evening!" Taehyung said to his phone screen. The boy was facetiming Jae since she had gone to America for a week and a half to get some work done for an upcoming collaboration.

Taehyung had been the most worried when she brought up the discussion about traveling on her own. He was the only one who called her every single day while she was there, constantly asking her if she had eaten and how the work was going. He sent her good morning texts and good night texts even if it meant staying up around the clock to deal with the time difference.

The Next Day...

Taehyung was on his way to the airport along with one of the managers who was driving him there. The other boys weren't available to join so he had decided to go pick up his dongsaeng. When he got there, a few fans were already around as they awaited Jae's arrival. Taehyung went to the pick-up area and sat down, nervously looking around as he waited for the maknae.

The speaker system went off saying that her flight had landed and was going through baggage claim, but Jae only had a cabin luggage with her so she would come out immediately. Taehyung stood up, facing the large doorway as his eyes flitted around, past all the people filtering out until they finally locked onto a certain familiar figure.

"Jae!" he yelled, drawing attention. Fans quickly pulled their phones out to document the situation as they watched Jae look around before she finally saw Taehyung. She ran towards him and leaped into his open arms. The two fell onto the ground but didn't bother to stop their embrace as they continued to hug on the floor of the airport. Tae ran his hands over Jae's back as if reassuring himself that she was back, safe and sound and in his arms.

The two finally got back up, still very close to each other. "I missed you!" she said, hugging him once again. Taehyung smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I missed you too Jae, I missed you too. Are you hungry? Let's go get food. I'll take you to that one restaurant with the really Seolleongtang."

Jae's eyes widened in excitement and she nodded her head furiously. They went to the restaurant and ate together before finally heading back to the dorm.

"Thanks for checking up on me throughout my trip, oppa." The two were sitting on the couch as they watched a few episodes of a new drama. Taehyung's arm was casually draped around Jae's shoulders and she was curled up into him, fresh out of the shower and dressed in one of his hoodies.

"Oh come on. You know I'll always look out for you JaeJae."

"Love you."

"Love you too," he said placing a soft kiss on her forehead before turning his attention back to the brightly lit TV screen.

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