Ice Skating (Request)

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Author's Note:

hey guys, it's been quite awhile! ok so first things first MY BAD I'M SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! i've got a few requests lined up so please expect a few chapters before i have to go back to school from holiday. although it's a break i've been quite busy and also suffering from a bit of writer's block so these next few requests were good for my brain lol anyhoo i hope y'all enjoy this chapter and the next few which will be out soon!

here's a little bit of jaekook for my ship lovers out there also thank you to @LiannxLienn for requesting hope u enjoy! (also since we missed out on the jaekook soft moment this long chapter might make up for it!!!)

also thank you guys so much for all the love this book has been getting! i literally missed out 150K mark AND our 200K mark and we're at 240K now! y'all have been lovin the book and i love u guys so much :) thank you so much for keeping this alive in my absence lol


"Ok guys! Everyone gather round and pick a slip from the hat! Each spot is repeated twice so everyone should be able to find a person who has the same slip of paper as them! Go!"

Eight different hands eagerly dove into the depths of the red hat that was being held out to them and each grabbed a paper. Each member ran back after grabbing a piece of paper and quickly unfolded the sheet, reading the words.

"I got the mountain!"

"Ice rink!"

"The lake?"

"I got the mountain too!"

"Kitchen? Huh?"

The members erupted into a chorus of yells before being quieted by the staff. "Ok, find your pairs." The seven boys and one girl quickly found partners with the same slip of paper and stood awaiting an explanation. 

"So, there were four places. The mountain, the ice rink, the lake, and the kitchen. The two who got the mountain will be taking a winter hike up to the top and get to play in the snow." Taehyung and Hoseok cheered in delight. 

"The two who got the ice rink will be ice skating together." Jungkook was ecstatic while Jae had a small unsure smile on her face. 

"The two who got the lake will be going ice fishing." Yoongi and Jimin looked unsure but shrugged. 

"And the two that got the kitchen will be baking some warm goodies." Jin immediately looked wide-eyed at Namjoon who just shrugged in reply. 

"You guys will have until tomorrow night to plan and then each pair will be doing their activities on Friday. Enjoy!"

While the group was on the way back home, Jae sat in her seat in between Jimin and Namjoon, worried about her activity. She only had a day to prepare herself for ice skating, something she had never done. Especially with Jungkook, someone who either already knew how to ice skate or would pick it up really quickly. She didn't want to keep Jungkook behind or embarrass herself in front of him. The group finally got home and Jae locked herself into the bathroom so she could take a warm shower and relax from the thoughts of the impending event.

She stripped from her jeans, sweatshirt, denim jacket, and other clothes, stepping into the warm water and washing herself as she thought about what to do. Maybe she could switch papers with someone. Or maybe she could talk Jungkook into going somewhere else, maybe snowboarding, which she knew how to do ever since Jin taught her. She shook her head. None of those would work. 

Frustrated, she stepped out of the shower and toweled off, throwing on a pair of gray leggings and a light pink hoodie. She quickly brushed her hair, heading to Yoongi's studio. She walked straight in and faceplanted on the couch. Yoongi, startled by the sudden noise, looked up to find Jae screaming into the pillow that sat at the end of his couch. He sighed and walked over to the couch, sitting down and patting Jae's back.

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