Family Support

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Author's Note:

so i was thinking and thinking and thinking (instead of doing my research paper) and somewhere in the recesses of my memory was the scene of yoongles getting emotional since his parents showed up to his concert well i basically recreated that scene but with jae and her story and yea this is the product now excuse me as i go back to staring at my research paper and regretting my life decisions and praying that the words magically appear on the document


The night was coming to an end and so was the final concert in yet another world tour. It was almost time for the group to come together in their matching outfits and give their final speech. The music came to an end and they held their finishing pose for a few seconds before rising from the position.

Each member walked across different part of the stage, waving to each section with twinkling eyes and wide smiles. Yoongi was the first to notice him. He stood in section 104 surrounded by other ARMYs with a fond smile as his eyes followed the group's youngest member. Yoongi called Hoseok over since he was the closest and gestured in the direction of the man, whispering in Hoseok's ear.

"Is that Jihun?" he asked, not believing his own eyes. Hoseok glanced at where Yoongi had subtly pointed before his eyes widened slightly and his head turned to where Jae was walking towards them.

Hoseok decided to walk to another section so as to not seem suspicious but Yoongi grabbed Jae's hand and intertwined their fingers, holding onto her tightly and pulling her in the direction of where he was previously standing.

When they got to their destination, Yoongi removed his hand out of Jae's and slung it over her shoulder, pulling her closer to his body. Then, he raised his free hand and pointed right at where Jae's brother was standing, still smiling fondly at his little sister.

Jae was shocked. If anything, she thought Yoongi was going to show her a funny poster. She did not expect to look up and see her brother standing among ARMYs and watching her performance. Jae's knees buckled and she fell onto the stage, bending her body and head down in a silent show of respect for her sibling.

A hand landed on her back, running over her form in a soothing manner and when she finally looked up again, she was greeted with a smiling Taehyung. He helped her up and placed a hand on the small of her back, slowly pushing the girl towards the center of the stage where the rest of the members stood in a line to make their final speech.

Namjoon said a few words followed by the rest of the members in age order and it was finally Jae's turn to speak.

"Wah, ARMY this tour has been crazy. I can't believe it's over and instead of getting on a plane to see more of you wonderful people, I'm going to go home and deal with these seven crazies 24/7," she rolled her eyes playfully and the arena laughed at the sarcastic start to her speech. Although she was throwing around light humor, her eyesight went blurry as tears filled her vision when she turned to face her older brother.

"I used to be really upset that I never had family show up to my performances. Obviously my mom and dad were never going to come and my brother was always busy. But there he is," Jae pointed, "He finally made it to a performance," she smiled at the man who stared back at her. "I can't even begin to explain how grateful I am for him. He's always been there for me and supported me regardless of what I did," her voice cracked.

"I remember coming home one day and telling him I joined an underground dance group. Most siblings or parents would've been livid but he told me to be cautious and to dance my heart out," tears rolled down Jae's face as she talked. "If it weren't for him, I would've never had the guts to show up to my BigHit audition and I wouldn't be on this stage surrounded by the family I have created and become a part of over the years. For that, I thank you oppa." Jae bowed and held the position as tears streamed down her face.

"Sorry for getting so emotional today, I just couldn't help it," Jae chuckled through her sobs. "I love you all!"

Jihun eventually joined the group for dinner and spent some time catching up with his little sister. Jae stared at the ceiling as she fell asleep later that evening, a content smile on her face and happy thoughts running through her head.

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