Insomnia (Part One)

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Author's Note:

hello hello hello! first off, i'd like to promote my other book a little hehe. i've been working pretty hard on it and i rly do have some big things planned for that book. for those of you that aren't aware, it's a royal au called regal in which jae is highkey a badass ;) be sure to check it out :)

also, i will be focusing on that book a little more than this one since i have an actual storyline and plot planned out for that book. this one is a bit more spontaneous so it's a bit harder to update even if the chapters are shorter than regal. but i will definitely be writing for both books!

anyhoo, here's a chapter i decided to write after randomly waking up a few times during the night and thinking about sleeplessness while staring at the ceiling in the dark oops hehe


Sleep was usually something that came easy to Jae and the rest of the members of BTS. Infact, most idols could easily fall asleep after a day filled with busy schedules and tiring events. But Jae just couldn't seem to sleep that night.

The girl rolled this way and that, trying to get into a comfier position. Maybe her bed just wasn't comfy and warm enough. She slipped out of her bed and tip-toed to Jungkook's bed. He was fast asleep, mouth slightly open and limbs in disarray as he sprawled out in his bed. Jungkook woke up after feeling the bed dip and a warm body join him in bed.

"Jae?" he questioned.

"I couldn't get to sleep," she mumbled.

"Come here." The boy shuffled over, making space for his only dongsaeng. He pulled her into his side, letting her rest her head on his chest. Jae wrapped her arms around his torso, curling into Jungkook's body and letting him set his head right over hers.

Jae felt Jungkook's slow, deep breaths and knew he had fallen asleep again while she lay awake in his embrace. She stared at the ceiling of their shared room and let her mind wander. Before she knew it, the first rays of sunlight were filtering in through gaps in the blinds.

Jae slipped out of Jungkook's hold and walked into the bathroom to start her morning routine, dismissing her previous sleepless night as a single bad night. She turned the faucet off and walked out into the living room, greeting Hoseok and Jin who were also awake for the day.

"What are we doing today?" she asked the boys.

"We're recording the last bits of that new song in the morning and we have practice after lunch," Hoseok replied.

Each of the other members slowly filed into the living room and soon they were ready to start the day's activities. By the time they got back home, it was close to 11:30 PM. Jae and Jungkook walked into their bedroom, tired and ready to take a hot shower and head to bed. But once again, Jae couldn't get to sleep. She slipped out of Jungkook's hold, walking out of the room and heading to her studio instead.

It was around 1 AM when she sat down at her desk and decided to play some music. The beat of Blueberry Faygo filtered through the speakers as she scrolled through recent pictures on her phone. Her photo album hadn't been updated in a couple months since they had just come back from a tour a couple weeks ago.

The rest of the night was spent smiling fondly at pictures and printing them out to put in the album. Once again, she hadn't slept all night.

The next day was similar to the previous. Record, practice, practice some more, and try to sleep. This continued for a few days before she finally started to see the effects of her sleeplessness during her daily activities. Their choreographer continuously told her off for her lack of energy and suddenly she wasn't as talkative with the boys. Her movements were lethargic but sleep still didn't come to her no matter how tired she felt, both mentally and physically.

Tonight, she was in the living room with headphones on and a controller in her hand. Her fingers moved nimbly over the various buttons on the controller and she watched as the character in the game she was playing moved accordingly. She didn't stop playing until the sun came up and only then did she realize how long she had spent on the video game.

When the group entered the dance studio later that day, Jae started to regret playing video games to battle her case of sleeplessness. The loud noises and flashing lights had done more damage than good. Jae's head pounded with a headache that felt like it would split her head open. The loud music in the dance studio didn't help her case at all.

"Jae, are you ok?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"We called your name several times and you didn't respond. Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. I just wasn't paying attention sorry," she assured him.

"Alright guys, let's run through the dance again!" the choreographer called.

The group got into position and started to move as soon as the music started. About ten seconds in, Jae couldn't see her reflection in the mirror clearly. Then, she saw seven new members that looked exactly like the boys in her group. She stepped back and lost her footing. Was the floor even there anymore? She couldn't tell. Namjoon looked over just in time to see her stumble but not fast enough to catch the girl. Her eyes closed and her body fell, her head hit the ground hard and the only thing she heard was Namjoon's yell before everything went black.

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