
20.9K 356 262

Author's Note:

uh hi lmao oops i lowkey left for like a few days hehehe welp i'm back now but like school starts in friggin 2 days for me so fml and also i'm not gonna be updating as much.

so from now on guys please don't expect me to be putting out a lot of stuff cuz i rly won't be able to. trust me i won't give up writing but i will not be updating consistently.

i love u guys a lot tho and like i logged on to see mf 64.1K reads like that's a fucking lot. like that's 64,100 people fam. that's a shit ton. thank you guys so much and i can't promise anything but i will try to keep updating throughout my school year.

anyhoo here's a quick chap about jae on her period and how the guys help out while satan is stabbing her lower regions UH I MEAN periods yes ok continue...hehehe


Jae groaned in pain as she walked out of her bathroom. Her period had arrived and for some reason was much worse than her usual monthlies. The girl had never experienced such intense cramps and a flow so strong that you could compare it to the Niagara Falls. She walked awkwardly, dressed in a giant hoodie and black leggings so that she could have some sense of comfort during this time.

The group had a stage rehearsal that day and Jae was upset because she loved stage rehearsals. To her, it was the beginning of the concert excitement and to be on her period just brought her mood crashing down. She finally made it to the door and pulled on a pair of socks and black and white Nike sneakers on, not bothering to stoop down and tie the laces. She walked out and locked the door, heading to the van where everyone was already seated and ready to go.

"Princess, you didn't even tie your shoes." Jin said as he observed the girl. He got out of his seat and knelt in front of Jae, tying both her shoes with firm bows and then getting back into the van.

"Thank you." she said weakly. She also climbed into the vehicle, sitting in the only spot left in between Hoseok and Jimin. She promptly laid her head on Jimin's shoulder and fell asleep quickly, trying to forget the pain of her period.

A half hour later, she was shook awake by Hoseok. "Come on Jae-ah. We're here." he said softly.

The group headed into the venue and got started with rehearsing their songs and dances, figuring out good positioning, and practicing the full concert. Jae was determined to put her all into it and get through the day, but the pain ebbed away at her energy and she slowly crumpled.

It was right after their rehearsal of Fake Love and the director decided to change positioning a bit, giving the group a couple minutes to drink water and refresh themselves. Jae immediately sat down in a criss-cross formation and clutched her stomach, eyes closed and face to the floor.

Namjoon noticed that Jae was in a fetal position and that she looked like she was in pain. He hurried over to her tensed figure and placed a hand on her back, moving his hand up and down in a motion meant for comfort. "What's wrong baby?" Jae looked up and opened her eyes.

"Joonie." she whined. "It hurts."

"What hurts?" Namjoon was confused.

"I got my period yesterday and for some reason it's really bad this time around. It hurts." she explained in a whisper so soft that Namjoon almost didn't hear her. He finally understood.

"Ah, Jae why didn't you just tell someone?"

"I didn't want to. It's embarrassing. And I don't want anyone to worry." Namjoon sat down next to Jae and lifted her chin so that she would look at him.

"Jae, being on your period isn't embarrassing. It's natural and it happens to every girl. Everyone just has to accept it. We're not little second graders that think it's gross or anything ok? Next time just tell me or anyone else."

Jae nodded. "Ok."

"Now, do you need anything?"

"No, not now. I just want to finish the rehearsal and go home and sleep or eat something."

"Ok, we're almost done. We'll finish up soon, don't worry. I'll even ask our managers and see if we can leave a bit earlier."

Jae just nodded and Namjoon left her, heading towards the closest manager and talking in hushed voices. The manager sympathized with Jae and quickly agreed to let them go early today. The group quickly got through their rehearsal and was sent home. On the way back home, Jae fell asleep again and while she was sleeping Namjoon explained to the other guys what was going on.

"Oh! That's why she was a bit off today!" Taehyung said. "She wasn't as energetic as usual during our rehearsal. She loves rehearsals and I was wondering what was wrong."

Jungkook quickly looked up how to reduce the pain of the cramps. "Hyung, it says that you should put hot water in a bottle and then hold it to the area. Or a hot towel. I'll draw her a warm bath if someone can get some heated towels and stuff so that she can rest after."

"She'll also probably want some chocolate and other comfort foods. My sister used to crave comfort foods when she got her periods." Hoseok mentioned.

"I can cook something nice, warm, and filling for her." Jin said. The boys all conversed about how they could help Jae and her terrible cramps and after reaching the dorm, they made sure Jae was comfortable and cared for. Namjoon walked into Jae's room where she was fast asleep, tucked in with a heating pad and multiple warm blankets. He smiled at how much of a family the group had become. Each and every boy had been concerned and wanted to help in whatever way possible. He quickly pecked her forehead and left, closing the door quietly so that she could continue sleeping.

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