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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

The first early morning twitter of birds rang through Genevieve's ears as if going through one, travelling through her mind and then going through the other. Empty.

It was in the early mornings that Genevieve could never get back to sleep when she realised that when you feel peaceful, you don't actually feel peaceful. You just feel nothing. Nobody knows how to describe this nothingness though, so when asked 'how are you feeling' in a moment so early as this, you're automatic response would be 'peaceful'.

Within the living room, Peter was nestled up in a bundle of blankets in the armchair, James and Sirius were top and tailing on the mattress brought down from the spare room, Remus was tucked into a ball on the sofa while Genevieve and Lily shared the mattress brought down from her own room.

The original plan was for the boys to all share the spare room which was more than big enough for all of them and for Gen and Lily to sleep in her room, but after a conversation that lasted around two minutes they had all decided to camp out in the living room as that way they could all be together.

Lily had immediately regretted agreeing once James kept asking to swap mattresses with Gen.

Being the first one awake at sleepovers was the usual for Genevieve. However, for once in her life she wasn't. She knew this as she could feel the familiar eyes examining her features carefully as they presumed her to be asleep.

Genevieve peaked open one eye just in time to see Remus snap his eyes closed, the corner of her lips tugging upwards slightly.

"Is there any particular reason why you were watching me sleep?" she said, and the slight slyness mixed with morning rasp of her voice was enough to make Remus mentally face-palm himself.

"I wasn't watching you sleep," Remus denied and hoped that she didn't hear the slight crack in his voice, his eyes slowly opening although they looked anywhere but at her.

"You've been doing this often. You know, the whole looking at me and then when I catch you in the act you're all like 'I never did anything'," Genevieve imitated his voice surprisingly well.

Remus only pulled the blanket he had been given further up himself in order to hide his blush. "I looked at you for a second and you assume it's staring."

"Awfully seems like it," Gen hummed, rolling more over onto her side in order to be closer to the sofa Remus was laid on.

"Well I'm not."

"You're doing exactly what I said you do. Deny, deny, deny," she repeated it a sing-song voice like it was a nursery rhyme.

Remus rolled onto his other side so he was no longer facing her and instead the back of the sofa.

Genevieve sat upright, her chin resting on his arm. "Oh no, have I made Remus mad?"

No reply.

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