Chapter 1. The Burrow

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Y/n's POV

I remember vividly the two red headed twins sitting in the same compartment as me on the way to Hogwarts in first year.

They were shoving Bertie Botts jellybeans down each others throats. I scoffed at them and read my book trying to avoid their gaze.

"Hey. What's your name?" One of the boys said to me. Seeming interested. I knew I couldn't ignore him. That was rude. So I replied

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n. And yourself?" My face grew into a small smile. No one asked my name before and seem interested.

"Oh, I'm Fred. And this is my twin brother-"

"I'm George" he said speaking over his twin with no intention for a apology.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you both." I declared before retreating back to my book.

The twins went back to their jellybeans with some small talk to each other back and forth.
Then a small boy walking in, he looked very panicked

"Excuse me" He said timidly "Has anyone got a spare potions book. I lost mine" His head lowered but his cheeks grew pink with embarrassment

"I do" I answered as my hand dove into my trunk to find a second hand and tatty book and handed it to him. "I'm y/n"

"Nice to meet you y/n. I'm Lee. Lee Jordan"
His face rose from the floor into a pleasant and cute smile

"And these boys are Fred and George" I replied shaking my head as they were now eating six jellybeans at once.

We all stopped what we were doing and spend the remainder of the journey chatting. That's when I know I found my new best friends.

The train screeched to a halt. It's rusty breaks make the noise audible for most of the train.

That's when...

"Y/n" I recognised the voice. But couldn't say who. Some one was gently shaking me awake. I groaned but knew I had to wake up.

I opened my eyes too see the face of Fred Weasley over mine. His red hair basically lit the room. Our faces were no more than 10 inches away but I didn't hesitate. I could stare at his face for ages.

"Good morning Y/n. Mum made pancakes. We're leaving soon so hurry up" His voice became quieter as he left the room with a exited tone. It's like he was waiting for 6th year to finally come around.

I then came to my senses. The smell of pancakes wafted through the burrow. Molly's cooking was the best. So I quickly changed into leggings and a Weasley jumper and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning y/n" I heard a cheerful but stressed looking Molly Weasley day. "Big day today. 6th year. Chop chop. We're leaving soon"

George on the other hand had messy and unbrushed hair and still in his pyjamas. He groaned a morning at me then continued eating.

I sat between the twins and placed 3 pancakes onto my plate. George tried to steal my pancake. So I pushed his arm away and started eating.

I piled some strawberries on top. That way I knew George wouldn't try to take my food after that.

George left the table by the demand of Mr and Mrs Weasley to get himself ready because he was the only one not dressed or ready to leave at all. He hadn't done most of his packing so Arthur used magic to pack it all in seconds.

The bushy haired and intelligent girl opposite me was Hermione Granger. We became particularly close over the summer as me and the twins younger sister Ginny Weasley all shared a room.

The rest of the morning was a blur. George finally got himself ready. We all left on time which surprised us all. Soon enough we were saying goodbye to Bill and Charlie who had stayed for the summer. They said something big was happening but wouldn't tell us what.

Soon enough we got to Kings Cross station. I was desperate and eager to see the missing person in our group so the squad was together again.

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