Chapter 75: The Letter and The Castle

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•Y/n's POV•

The weeks soon went by quickly, James and Oliver are nearly four months old, they are able to turn them selves over and their babbling becomes more and more often and loud. They giggle at anything, especially when Fred comes to play peek-a-boo with them when in their rocking chairs.

"They look just like you." I say to Fred, as we lay in our bedroom at the Burrow early in the morning of May 1st

"Is it because of the hair?" He has cockily, a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"That, and they have every single Weasley feature except my nose." I said back, matching his same smile.

"They have more of your features than just a nose. They have your face shape, eyes and little hands and feet." Fred answered.

"They only have little hands and toes because their babies, I'm sure when they grow up they'll have massive hands and feet like you." I quipped

"My hands aren't massive!" My fiancé said, for comparison I placed my hand next to his just to see that his hands was nearly two inches bigger than mine.

"See." I smiled.

"Okay, you might be right." Fred giggled happily.

"I'm always right."

"Are not!"

"I am!"

"Are not!"

"I am!" I said. "Anyway. I'm going to make the twins bottles, we have to wake them up soon."

"And I'll get the nappy changing station ready." Fred sighed. "And their clothes."

"No Fred! I'll do that, last time you got the twins clothes you put out a pair on trousers that they had outgrown and a dirty jumper."

"That's fair enough." Fred laughed. I'll just get the nappies ready." Fred retreated.

"Good, I'll go get the bottles." I said.

I turned on my heel and silently left the bedroom. Tip-toeing down the stairs as silently as I could not wake anyone in the house. I made it to the kitchen and used magic to boil a pot full of water, I poured it into two baby bottles and I tipped five scoops of muggle baby milk onto the top.

I sealed the bottles and shook them both hard to mix the powder into the water. They finally were fully mixed and I placed them down onto the table when I heard someone come walking down the starts.

"Oh Y/n! I didn't know you were down here!" Molly said enthusiastically.

"Yeah ha, morning Molly, just making the twins bottles." I smiled, greeting my future mother in law.

"Are they up already?" She asked.

"Oh no, not yet. I'm getting them ready, me and Fred are trying to get them into a routine."

"Me and Arthur did that with Fred and George when they were James and Oliver's age. It was the best thing we had done with them." Molly said as she recalled the memory.

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