Chapter 67: Cooped up alone

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Y/n's POV:
The next day came too quickly, day one of being in hiding had began. Not allowed to go to work. Not allowed to go on order missions and not allowed to do most things around the flat due to the babies.

"Good morning Freddie." I whispered to my sleeping boyfriend as I creeped out of bed and down the quiet corridor towards the kitchen. I had to do something.

I whipped out the saucepan and the eggs and bacon. For the first time in what felt like forever, I was cooking in a kitchen. The smell of cooking eggs and bacon filled my nostrils.

"You're going to like this bean and pea. Mummy made it." I smiled as I talked to the twins, getting two small kicks in return.

I served four portions of breakfast and cast a spell over it so they won't cool down until someone picks it up. I grabbed a cup of decaf tea before sitting down at the table to eat my breakfast.

"Good morning!" I called as Lee walked into the room, looking half asleep. Lee's eyes jerked open and slightly jumped backwards when he saw me.

"I swear to Godric Gryffindor Y/n!" Lee said in shock before I saw his eyes widening at the smell of fresh eggs and bacon wafted into his nose. "You didn't."

"I did. There's some on the kitchen counter for you." I said pointing at the three plates of steaming food on the table. "Don't worry if you don't want it now. There's a spell on it so it won't go cold until you touch it."

"I don't know wether I should hate you or love you Y/n." Lee groaned as he grabbed a plate of food and taking a seat opposite me.

"You know you love me Lee." I smiled, taking a bite or my egg with a cheeky smile on my face.

"You know we told you to not do that!" Lee tried to sound angry, but failed.

"It was something to do." I replied to him.

"Yes but the babies." Lee exclaimed, pointing at my growing stomach.

"The babies seemed absolutely fine when I stood and make my breakfast." I quipped.

"But you're over twenty weeks!"


"You need to relax."

"Lee, I've been told that I can't go to work because their looking for me. I can't go on order missions because of the babies. I can't sit cooped up in the house and not be allowed to do anything, when you go out to work and the twins can go out when they'd like. You seriously can't expect me to sit and do nothing when I can do something like cooking to pass the time." I spilled as I looked at Lee with wide eyes.


"It's okay Lee. I get it. I'll be in the nursery, decorating. Have a good day at work. At least you can go out." I sighed, standing up and going into the kitchen to take my vitamins, writing a note to the twins and leaving it by their food.

"Y/n, listen." Lee said, blocking the door to the kitchen.

"Please move Lee. I don't want to hear another lecture on why I can't go in the kitchen." I groaned, but Lee didn't move.

"It's not a lecture Y/n." Lee mumbled. "I can imagine how it feels. And I'd be pretty annoyed if I couldn't leave too. We say you can't go into the kitchen because we didn't want you to get hurt."

"It's very annoying." I cut in accidentally.

"I'm sorry you feel like that Y/n. We wanted to keep you and the babies safe. I agree with you. I'd be mad if I thought that you can't do anything all day. I'm sorry Y/n."

"It's okay Lee. I know what you and the twins were doing thought was okay." I sighed

"It's not really that okay Y/n. I'll let you do more cooking, and plus that eggs and bacon tasted better than what I could do." He smiled.

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