Chapter 70: Two New Arrivals

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Y/n's POV:

Fred Weasley was down on one knee.

I gasped as my hands clasped over my mouth as I stared at my boyfriend, my eyes moving between his face and the box he was holding in his hand.

"Freddie..." I muttered to him

"Y/n... from the first moment I saw you back in first year, I couldn't get you off my mind. You've been my best friend for years and I'm so lucky to have you as a girlfriend." Fred smiled. "You make me the happiest man to ever live and I'm so excited to see us grow old together and see you be the best mother to our little babies."

Tears brimmed in my eyes at his words, I was too shocked to speak to I stood there and let him continue.

"So Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?" Fred spoke, lifting the lid to the box.

It was a beautiful silver ring which was encrusted with small diamonds with one large diamond that was in the middle. It was glistening in the cold December sunlight. It was beautiful and it was perfect. Tears were flowing down my cheeks as happy sobs escaped my lips.

"YES! Of course I will Freddie!" I yelled, Fred rose from the ground so our lips could meet, one of his hands entangling in my hair, the other clutching the ring box.

Fred took the ring out of the box and slipped it on my left ring finger, it fitted perfectly on my finger next to my promise ring. My lips met Fred's once again out of sheer happiness of the events of Christmas Day.

"I absolutely love it Fred!" I squealed as I flung my arms around my fiancé.

"I'm glad you like it Y/n!" Fred smiled as relief flushed through his body.

"I absolutely love it Freddie." I replied as a pulled away from him

Me and Fred took a slow waddle back to the Burrow, hand in hand as an engaged couple. Let's just say that the Weasleys and Lee were just as excited as I was for mine and Fred's engagement. Molly is already starting to plan the wedding about colours and venue. But we had to stop Molly's excitement to enjoy the rest of the Christmas festivities.

~.~.~One Week Later~.~.~

The rest of December flew by and 1998 was among us finally and now we counting down the days until the twins would make their arrival. I've been getting signs that labour was fast approaching, my large bump has dropped, my Braxton Hicks have been getting stronger and now it's getting harder to walk.

"Maybe they'll come January 3rd." Fred whispered after another long day of waiting for the babies to make their appearance.

"I hope they do, I've had enough of being pregnant." I sighed, snuggling myself into bed for hopefully a good nights sleep.

"I can imagine." Fred smiled.

Fred wrapped his long arms around me and rested on my large bump, feeling the babies kick inside of me. I felt my eyes go heavy and I fell onto a disturbed sleep.

~.~.~Four Hours Later~.~.~

I was abruptly woken up by what I thought was a very strong Braxton Hick which had totally winded me awake. I glanced over and saw that Fred was still fast asleep which I was glad about.

I breathed through the cramp and hoped it would go away quicker, it soon faded away and I tired to get back to sleep. It didn't last long before another cramp came, sooner and stronger. This had to be something different than usual. Although I didn't want to wake Fred because I thought it was nothing and I wanted him to sleep.

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