Chapter 3: The Sorting Ceremony

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Y/n POV:

I finally tied the twins ties. At this point I'm convincing myself that they do actually know how to do it, but are too lazy.

Fred helped me off the train. He said the crowd could hurt me. Well, he's not wrong. I got pushed and shoved and separated from my friends.

Luckily, Fred and George are easy to spot. 6'3 men with bright red hair. They towered over everyone else. I made my way over to Fred. Only barely though, physically exhausted from pushing people.

"Y/n, are you okay" asked Fred worryingly. I appreciated the face that he cared.

"Yeah, feeling exhausted" I replied panting for air and feel like I'm about to collapse.

"Come here then" shouted Fred so he could be heard. The next thing I knew was being lifted from the floor and being carried in the bridal position down the platform.



"You didn't have to do that"

"I know I didn't, but I wanted to"

George and Lee comes over and ruins the moment but glad to see that they passed through the crowd alive.

"Come on, let's get a carriage" said George. We all walked to the closest carriage. We all climbed inside. I sat next to Fred and felt his arm wrap around me.

The carriage door shut and started moving towards Hogwarts castle. It's the main place where I feel at home. The windows glowed gold and yellow and the turrets towered the sky. The tips were covered by cloud but I like it like that.

Eventually, the carriage stopped and the door flew open. We clambered out and George and Lee raced up the stairs like every year whilst me and Fred made our way up slowly.

"Finally home" I whisper under my breath. "With my favourite person" I thought I said it quietly but saw Fred's face go red and smiles widely.

Me and Fred eventually made it to the main hall. I looked over to the Gryffindor table to see George and Lee were already sat down, gasping for air. But it's typical them to race.

"What took you so long" panted Lee "We've been here for ages. But if it is any concern I won this year" continued George in the same condition as Lee.

Fred and I perched down on seats opposite them. I pulled out a book and started reading whilst waiting for the first years to make it across the lake.

"In the six years I know you" said Fred "it doesn't surprise me that your reading. What are you reading anyway?"

I gave him a dramatic gasp putting my book down. "Is that Fredrick Gideon Weasley asking me what book I'm reading!"

"How do you know my middle name" he asked surprised "and plus I have nothing better to do"

"Second year" I looked down at my book to continue reading "I won a game with wizards chess against George so he told me"

I could tell that Fred is giving George a evil stare without my eyes leaving my book. I gave a small giggle before returning my focus to my book.

At that moment, the doors to the great hall boomed open. I closed my book and looks to the back of the room.

Minerva McGonagall was walking down the middle holding a dusty hat. Behind her was a trail of scared and shivering first years. Their eyes were travelling around the room with awe

"I bet it's cold on the lake"

"Good for them" said Fred and George simultaneously.

"Better conditions for them compared to when we crossed the lake" Lee points out

He was correct, our first year was windy and rainy when we crossed. A Slytherin boy fell in the lake but was rescued by the squid.

I now vividly remember my sorting ceremony, I wanted so badly to be in Gryffindor with my friends. The hat was placed on my head. The hat was juggling between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. It shouted Gryffindor and I heard my new bestfriends yell for me.

I shook my head and looked back at the front of the hall. The hat was now placed on a stool. At that moment the hat erupted into a loud and cheerful song.

After the song the hall quietened down in seconds anxiously awaiting Professor McGonagall to start calling names of first years.

"I wish they hurry up, I'm starving" moaned Lee.
I kicked him in the shin and followed by "Shut up Lee. She's about to start" I said smiling.

At that moment the first name was called
"Cadell, Lucy" screeched McGonagall.

A small blond haired girl and stepped up. She perched onto the stool and the hat was placed on her head.

"HUFFLEPUFF!" Yelled the hat

The table on the far right had erupted with yells and applause as the blond girl made her way over and was welcomed warmly by the hufflepuffs.

"Wilson, Amanda"
"SLYTHERIN"- again applause from the far left.

"Smith, Danny"
"RAVENCLAW"- applause was unbelievably loud and I swear I saw someone throw a book into the air.

"Thomas, Hugo"
"GRYFFINDOR"- our table leaped up and gave the loudest applause in the room. I even saw the golden trios worst enemy Draco Malfoy look surprised at our cheers

After what felt like a eternity, the last student was sorted into Hufflepuff. The noise and applause died down when Dumbledore rose from his seat to go to his podium.

"There are two words I want to say" croaked Dumbledore "tuck in"

The four long, plain looking tables suddenly exploded with bright colours of pies, potato and pasta dishes.

I shoved a pie onto my plate with some peas and chips. Bit of a weird mish mash of food. I didn't care I grabbed my knife and fork and tucked in.

"Crazy how slow the ceremony went" moaned George
"I agree" added Lee " It's like McGonagall knew I was hungry so took ages"
"There's no need to moan now Lee. You have your food" the plate was filled with every food he can reach.

We ate our food. The plates cleared and the tables filled with desserts of different varieties. I tipped waffles and ice cream onto my bowl and devoured it in minutes. I went on to regret that decision instantly. Lee started laughing at the speed in which I ate the waffle.

Desserts have been eaten we are all stuffed but Dumbledore's arose to waddled to his podium. He clearly ate too much too.

I wasn't in the mood for his long speech. I sighed and Fred looked over to me.

"You ok y/n?"

"Yeah, fine. Just tired" I replied whilst retaining a yawn.

The hall went silent and Dumbledore's began to make his speech. Presumably about the secret going on this year.

Authors note: Sorry for the long chapter today. I wanted to get this out the way so I can dedicate a chapter to Dumbledore's speech!

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