Chapter 68: Bloody Injuries and Broken Hearts

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Y/n's POV:

But all the silence was broken by a loud crack.

And then another.

And another

And another.

Mine and Lee's head shot up at the sudden sound, it's been a week since the twins left for the mission and with every small sound, me and Lee would rush to the windows to see if they had returned yet.

"That's weird, that's too many cracks." I said, shooting out of my chair and waddling over to the kitchen window. "I can't see Lee, I'm too small."

"Oh Merlin! Stay here Y/n, it's too dangerous!" Lee called as he ran to grab his wand.

"What's happened Lee!" I called.

"Fred and George are back, but there are death eaters outside attacking them. I don't know what happened but I can see blood." Lee said panicked.

"I'm coming then!" I called out, doing a fast waddle behind him.

"No Y/n you can't, this is far to dangerous. And you heard what Maria said, you can't do anything that straining anymore. You're due in a few months!" Lee snapped, walking out of the room.

But I didn't listen to Lee, I grabbed my wand and speedily made my way down the stairs towards the front of the shop. And I was met with a horrifying scene. George was clutching onto Fred, he looked weak and George was protecting him. But Fred was covered in blood, but still awake trying to fight off two death eaters with George. Lee was also fighting a death eater, who seemed to be winning.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" I yelled and a wand flew out of the death eater that was attacking Lee, leaving him defenceless.

"STUPIFY!" Lee called after, causing the death eater to freeze and Lee turned to me angrily.

"Go back inside Y/n! It's too dangerous." Lee yelled before blocking another spell from a new death eater who was originally attacking Fred and George.

"You clearly need me!" I called as I disarmed and froze the new death eater, although I sustained a small cut on my cheek.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" I called, but the third and final death eater blocked it, rebounding it back at me which I narrowly missed.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" The deep voice of the final death eater called out, a lightning red jet of light was flying towards me, but I managed to protect myself and blocked the spell.

"INCENDIO!" I yelled, lighting the bottom of his cloak into a fire which rapidly grew and progressed up his black cloak.

"Stupify!" I shouted at the man was distracted trying to put out the blaze that had landed on his cloak. He went flying backwards and hitting the wall with a large thump, sliding down the wall and laying on the ground.

I changed their memories, making all three of them forget about their mission from Voldemort and that when they would come around, they couldn't see the shop and were in a rush to escape the lightly lit alley.

"That was sexy." Fred uttered as I came back, clutching a towel to his right side, which was a blood red colour.

"Fred, we need to get you inside now!" I nearly screamed. It took the combined efforts of George and Lee to get up the stairs to the apartment with me slowly making my way up behind.

I walked into the living room to see Fred sprawled out across the sofa, fighting to stay awake whist Lee was desperately finding everything he needed.

"Fred, can I move the towel now?" Lee asked.

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