Chapter 65: The Wedding

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Y/n's POV:
Today was the wedding of Bill and Fleur, and I was delighted to be asked to be one of Fleur's bridesmaids, along with Ginny and Gabrielle who was her maid of honour, obviously. All of us was sat in Ginny's room talking and gossiping about anything that would distract Fleur's nerves.

"What if he does not to marry me?" Fleur asked as she paced around the room, before being tightly hugged by me, Ginny and Gabrielle.

"Don't be silly Fleur, I can see the way he looks at you." I said to her. "He's head over heels for you."

"But what if-" Fleur started.

"Shush! I don't want to hear any of it. He's totally in love with you." Ginny and Gabrielle said.

"Now come on, let's do your hair." I said as I pushed Fleur into a seat.

I brushed her long and beautiful blonde hair and admired the natural colour. I used my wand to curl her hair into loose curls before pulling two strands from each side of her head and put them together, securing it with a small hairband. Whilst I was doing her hair, Ginny done her makeup. It was a natural look with rosy cheeks and slightly pink eyeshadow. She looked beautiful!

"Wow! You look beautiful!" Gabrielle gushed as she hugged her sister. "Is there any chance you can do my makeup and hair please Ginny and Y/n?"

"Of course!" Me and Ginny said simultaneously.

The next hour was used getting ourselves ready for the wedding. It took the efforts of Fleur's bridesmaids to help her into her stunning black and white dress, doing it up and letting me and Ginny fix her hair and makeup.

"Bill is going to be jaw-dropped!" I screeched as we spun Fleur around to admire her stunning dress.

But we were disrupted by a knock on the door. I walked towards the door to open it everso sightly to reveal my boyfriend, standing tall and handsome in his black dress robes. But his hair was still a uncontrolled mess.

"Yes Freddie?" I said as I tried to get the door as close to my head as possible to stop him seeing into the room which had become quite a mess.

"I miss you." Fred said as he gave me puppy eyes, trying to peep into the room.

"Sorry, your not allowed to see." I said with a smile before I shut the door in his face.

Fred's POV:
'Dam, that failed' I thought as I turned around to go back to Bill's bedroom. He had told me to try to see if Fleur was nervous, or even wanted to marry him.

I walked into the room that had Bill, Charlie and George in there. Bill saw me and a hopeful expression grew onto his face.

"Sorry bro, I couldn't see." I said, slumping onto the bed then giving my oldest brother a supportive pat on the back.

"Did anyone mention anything?" Bill asked as he began to pace around the room anxiously, his shirt untucked, tie not done up which hung loosely either side of his collar.

"Nope, I tried to look, but I saw nothing." I said somewhat comfortingly.

"Thanks anyway Fred." Bill said nervously, still pacing around the room. "What if she doesn't want to marry me?!"

"Bill, don't be stupid. Of course she'll want to marry you!" Charlie said supportively, trying to pull his older brother down onto the bed.

"Honestly, your overreacting." George said calmly as he pulled the robe over his shirt, making sure to adjust his bandage over his ear.

"Yeah, what George said, your overreacting way to much." I said with a cocky smile

"I'll say that on the day you marry Y/n, you'll be as panicked as me." Bill huffed, tumbling with his tie trying to do it up.

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