Chapter 54: A Reply

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Y/n's POV:
A couple of days passed since my interview, I've been anxiously waiting for the letter since. The twins, Lee and Paige have noticed how nervous I have been whilst I wait for the reply.

"Y/n calm down. It will be fine." Lee said as he was getting ready for work. He started training to be a healer a couple of days ago and he's loving it.

I sat down at the breakfast table anxiously, only picking at my scrambled egg and toast on my plate, only twiddling the eggs with my fork. I wasn't hungry because of the nerves. I was expecting the letter any day now and I haven't been relaxed since the interview.

"Okay I need to go." Lee said as he finished his food, and grabbed his backpack. "Have a great day. And please calm down a bit Y/n. You have the job." He says encouragingly.

"Thanks Lee. Have a great day." I smiled and placed down my fork to wave at Lee.

"Bye Lee. I'll see you later." Fred said as he collected Lee's plate to place it in the kitchen.

"Have fun Lee. Have a good day." George shouted waving at him.

"Thanks you three. Have a great day. Fred, George make sure Y/n doesn't stress too much." Lee said.

"We'll try Lee!" The twins said simultaneously. Lee smiled and walked out of the door of the apartment and closing it behind him.

I sighed lightly and went back to playing with my eggs with my fork. This didn't do unnoticed by the twins who looked at me concerned.

"Lovey you need to eat something." Fred said worried.

I picked up the smallest piece of egg on my fork and placed it into my mouth before reluctantly swallowing. This earned stares from the twins, but they weren't good stares.

"You didn't specify how much egg." I smiled at them.

"But for once Y/n, we're not being funny." George said concerned.

"But I'm not hungry." I said.

"Can you at least to try to eat something. Please, you'll need it for a busy day." Fred begged.

"I'll try." I sighed, which made the twins light up. "I'm just too nervous to eat."

"I know your nervous, there's not much we can say to help that. But we can say that you basically got the job, the ministry will he stupid to not accept you." Fred said. And George agreed.

"Thanks guys. What would I do without you?" I said with a small smile.

"Right now," George said. "Starve." This earned us all to burst out laughing. I picked up my fork and added some eggs to my fork and began to eat my breakfast. And eventually I finished it which earned happy smiles from the twins.

"Well done my love!" Fred said as he hugged me tightly and planted soft kisses all over my face which made me giggle.

"Eww! My eyes! Do you have to do that here?" George shouts.

"Yes. We do." Fred said cockily and began to attack me with kisses again before finishing with one on my nose.

"I love you Fred, but we should spare George. Look at him." I said. George had his eyes clamped shut and his hands in his ears. "Bless him."

"Okay okay. Later?" Fred asked.

"Yes. We can." I smiled. "OI GEORGE, YOU CAN LOOK NOW!" I screamed at him. He opened his eyes and removed his hands from his ears.

"Merlin, you could have done it in your room." George sighed.

"George your making it sound like we did it" I said.

But before George could reply, a owl had swooped down onto the windowsill closest to the table. It perched itself on the ledge and stared at the three of us with wide eyes. The owl had a letter clamped in its mouth. I jumped up excitedly and opened the window. I removed the letter from the owls mouth and giving it a treat and a scratch on its head before it hooted happily and flew away. I looked at the letter in my hands and stared at it blankly.

The ministry.

"It's the response!" I screamed nervously and excitedly.

"Listen Y/n." Fred said cupping my face in his hands. "No matter what that letter said, we love you and we are proud of you."

"Thank you Freddie." I said kissing his nose. I opened the letter neatly and unfolded the parchment to reveal the letter.

Dear Miss Y/l/n
The ministry are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into the auror training program. Your first class will be September 1st at 10:00am. Please bring your wand, parchment and a quill and anything you may want in your office.
Looking forward to see you and congratulations.

Hoping you are well.
Amelia Bones
Head of the department of Magical law enforcement.

"So?" George asked.

"I GOT ACCEPTED!" I screamed and jumped around the room still clutching the letter in my hands.

"Well done Y/n!" The twins said encapsulating me in a hug.

The rest of the day went in a blur, I remember screaming to Paige that I got accepted and she was over the moon. I worked in the shop and served every customer with the most enthusiasm I can. When Lee arrived home, he had the same reaction I did, we ordered the leaky cauliflower for dinner as a celebration. Me and the boys got ourselves ready for bed, I changed into my pyjamas and crawled into bed next to Fred who wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly.

"Well done love. I'm proud of you." Fred said.

"Thank you Freddie." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Oh are you teasing me now?" Fred asked sassily.

"Maybe." I said.

"Oh I see how it is love." He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine. I knew what was about to happen.

And then we did ✨it✨

A/n: Hey! Happy Sunday. I hope you have had a great week. I'm so sorry for not publishing on Wednesday. I have a important assignment due in for school and I had to focus on it and it meant that I couldn't write. I saw Christmas lights yesterday and went to a Christmas fair today! Have great day.


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