Chapter 50: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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Y/n's POV:

A lurching feeling ran through my stomach as Fred apparated me to his new shop, and my new house. The twisting and turning of my body made feel sick and probably green to the face. But finally, my feet touched the ground and I doubled over with my hands on my knees. George had apparated Lee there and he too had doubled over, since we can't apparate at Hogwarts, we had to get used to the feeling of it again.

I looked up to see Diagon Alley standing in all its glory, the bright colours were the exact same as I remembered. It feels as though I haven't been here in ages, but feeling as though my first day in the wizarding world was yesterday. Getting my books and wand for school. It was vibrant and crowded with people, although this time it seemed as though the people were in a rush instead of lingering in the small alley. Voldemort's return had caused people to stay inside as often as possible and only going out when we have to, the alley was silent except for a few whispers of family or friends.

"Welcome to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!" Fred said proudly as he and George motioned towards a large building on the corner of connecting alleyways.

Weasley's Wizard Wheezes stood tall in the alley, taking up three floors but only two of the floors were illuminated with bright colours and boxes of their products. The front showed a large figure of George's head raising a hat and lowering it again, with every other raise, a little white and small rabbit would appear on his head and disappears when the hat lowers. It was magnificent, bright oranges and purples filled the outside of the shop and the window frames.

"Wow!" Lee gasped at a loss for words.

"What do you think?" Fred asked me and Lee.

"It's amazing!" We both said in awe of the building.

"I'm surprised you did it yourselves!" I giggled with a smile on my face.

"We did have a little bit of help from mum. But the flat was completely done by us." George replied and Fred nodded his head fast in agreement.

"What are we waiting for! We have a shop to see and an apartment for me and Y/n to move into!" Lee exclaimed, making me remember that this is my new house and I will get to see this view every time I leave the flat.

"Right. Let's go!" I yelled causing George and Lee to jump unexpectedly.

"Come on then!" Fred said, taking my hand with one hand and grabbing my trunk with the other before leading me and Lee into the shop.

George unlocked the door, partly because Fred didn't want to let go of my hand because he missed my touch and also George was trusted with the keys. We walked in and the outside looked plain compared to the inside of their shop. Quiet music was flowing through the shop which created an upbeat and welcoming shop. Shelves were standing high to the ceiling and every possible space was crammed with products and the twins inventions, each display was designated to a certain product. Most of the shop was orange and purple but had some green and red too. The second floor was just as busy but had small areas to test some products like their zero gravity shoes and headless hats. It also had a thin wire going across the room and balanced on it was a small replica of Professor Umbridge on a unicycle and was screaming 'I WILL HAVE ORDER!' which caused me to giggle slightly. Words couldn't describe how proud I was of the twins and I was lost for words at the magic contained within the shop.

"What do you think?" Fred asked me and Lee. We knew that our opinions mattered to the twins, and we were the ones who told the twins to follow their dreams.

"It's absolutely amazing. I'm so proud of both of you!" I screamed as I pulled both the twins into a hug, this was soon joined by Lee and soon enough the four of us were standing in the middle of the shop just hugging all together.

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