Chapter 4: Dumbledore's Speech

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Y/n POV:

Dinner had been eaten, me and Lee had clearly ate too much, to the point when the twins were teasing us. It's a usual occurrence and not meant to be offensive. We giggle a lot and I felt a hand touch my thigh.

It was the large hand of Fred Weasley. I looked over to a warm smile and a red face. I smiled back and gave him a wink before turning to listen to Albus Dumbledore's start of term speech.

"Good evening ladies and Gentlemen" croaked Dumbledore "I am glad our delicious feast went down well"

"Oh it sure did" whispered Lee

"Shut up" I said wanting to get back to the common room.

"I have a few start of term announcements to make, it is crucial that first years should note the forbidden forest is out of bounds to all students. Hopefully some older years should know that too" the old bearded man looked over his half moon spectacles and shot a gaze and me, the twins and Lee.

"That's absurd" Fred whispered in my ear "It's like Dumbledore doesn't trust us"

"To be fair, we did set of fireworks in second year that nearly burnt it down" I replied. Fred retaliated and I won that. I turned back to Dumbledore to listen to the rest or the speech.

"Although he yet to arrive" Dumbledore continued. "Our new defence against the dark arts teacher is-"

Suddenly the doors burst open, the whole school turned to the back of hall. There stood a tall man with one wooden leg and a mechanical eye whizzing around. He started walking down the middle of the hall, the wooden leg clunking down as he walked.

"Mad-eye moody" I whispered to Fred "the famous auror HERE teaching at Hogwarts! I want to be a auror just like him" Alastor Moody was my idol. I admired him since starting Hogwarts. It was finally my chance to make a good impression.

"Welcome Professor Moody" said Dumbledore in a warm welcoming way. Moody grunted and sat down. The hall once again fell silent keenly listening to the headmaster.

"This is Professor Moody, your new defence against the dark arts teacher for the year. As well I would like to note that the inter-house quidditch cup will not go forward this year" the whole school sighed and chattering started again.

"WHAT" yelled George
"This is outrageous" continues Fred

Although I'm no good at quidditch, I throughly enjoy watching my best friends being the best beaters the team has ever seen. I remember their first game on the team. Lee and myself were the twins biggest supporters. We were yelling to the twins. They had a smile on their face the whole time.

Lee then started commenting the games in third year. I was over on the stands by myself still yelling at the twins. Although I sat with Ron and Hermione who were supporting Harry Potter.

"Silence" Dumbledore said. The hall once again fell silent eager to know the the quidditch cup had been cancelled.

"The quidditch cup had been cancelled this year as we have a special event happening at Hogwarts this year. We as a school are very lucky to host the Triwizard Tornament. More information will be released when the other two schools arrive at the end of October. The three schools have decided to make a age limit of seventeen for the safety of students"

"THATS RUBBISH" yelled the twins and the whole school continued in their protest.

I look over to the Hufflepuff table to see a brown haired boy looking over and smiling at me. I smiled back at Cedric Diggory. He was a great friend of mine. We often studied in the library together because the twins wouldn't think of studying. We became particularly close over the last school year. I saw Fred give him a look of disgust. He always disliked me and Cedric together. He seemed jealous of us and hated the idea of us being in a relationship.

"That is all the information that you need to know now. Please return to your common rooms and go to bed, as for classes starts tomorrow. Goodnight" Dumbledore left his podium and waddled back to his chair.

The whole school rose at once. Me and Fred pushed our way out of our seats.

"Come here y/n" said Fred. I went over to him and he took my hand and held me tight enough where I couldn't get lost.

We walked out of the hall still holding hands. I grabbed George's robes and George grabbed Lee's we were like a little pack. We made our way onto the stairs all together protecting each other from the large number of students on the stairs.

We eventually made it to the portrait all together. Some 5th year said the password and we all climbed through.

I was immediately hit with the smell of firewood and vanilla. The Gryffindor common room was filled with squishy arm chairs and sofas. Tables with communal ink and quills. Parchment on every table. I sat down on the sofa with Fred next to me. George and Lee sat on the floor and the twins started planning.

"Right" started George. "How can we get into the tournament?"

"I don't know" continued Fred. "It's outrageous! We're only a few months away from being seventeen"

"Fred, George, your born in April thats seven months away" I added. They scoffed at me. Lee gave me a nod of agreement. He to was underage but I still thought he wanted to enter.

"Well that's a number y/n. It's us. The Weasley twins. We will find away" replied George.

"Well I'm not helping with anything for free" I replied "I'm going to bed. Enjoy planning" I stood up messed up Fred, George's and Lee's hair. I saw Fred get up to mess up mine.

I sprinted up the stairs and ran into my dorm before Fred could get to me.

"I'll get you next time y/n!" Said a muffled version of Fred and him stomping back down stairs. I looked over and my dorm mate Hermione Granger is already asleep. So I silently changed into my pyjamas and brushed my teeth

I'd never done it so quietly before I slowly climbed into bed and sat there replaying my day. All the cute smiles Fred gave me. I laid down and fell asleep.

But I couldn't help thinking
Gosh Fred looked really cute today.

Authors note: hey everyone! I hope your liking the story so far! Please comment some ideas I could include (preferably in GOF book as that's when this story is based) hope you come back for the next part! Haves great day!


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