Chapter 66: Trouble At The Ministry

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Y/n's POV:
A few days have passed, some of the tension in the air has died down, although nerves were running high with the thought of returning to work.

"Y/n, you can't go. Please." Fred begged as we woke up early the next morning, on my first day back at work. Fred, George and Lee have been very reluctant to let me go back to work, considering the state of the world and the prejudice around my blood status.

"Fred, I have to choice. I have to go." I said sadly as I swung my feet off my bed to get up and go to the bathroom, pregnancy things.

"But it's so dangerous for you at the moment." Fred replied, following me into the bathroom.

"I know it is Fred. I'll be careful, I promise." I whispered before I added toothpaste to my toothbrush and dipped it on water.

"What if I come with you." Fred suggested.

"Your not allowed." I said with a mouth full of of toothpaste with a small smile.

"Then don't go." Fred pleaded, whilst I remove some smarter clothes out of my wardrobe. It was a pair of maternity leggings and a large, stretchy shirt. I began to change into my clothes adding a pair of flat black shoes and a small bag.

"I'm ready now Fred. I'll be careful." I said, standing on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek before leaving the room.

I walked down the corridor to greet George and Lee who were holding hands whilst making cups of coffee. I smiled at their flourishing relationship before making my way into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

"Uh no Y/n, sit down." George said to me as soon as I put a foot into the kitchen.

"Oh come on, it's not fair!" I said, throwing my arms up in the air in defeat.

"You need to relax Y/n. What do you want for breakfast." Lee asked with a warm smile, ushering me into a chair placing a glass of water and my pregnancy vitamins on the table.

"Just some toast. I should be leaving soon." I groaned whilst I took the vitamins in front of me.

"Your going into the ministry?" George asked concerned, placing some butter and jam on the table as he looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Yes, I sort of have to. It's my job." I answered which made George and Lee give me weird looks.

"But it's dangerous because of your blood." Lee said hesitantly

"Just because I'm a muggleborn doesn't mean I can't go to work." I tried to say politely as George placed two slides of toast in front of me. "Thanks." I muttered.

"It's not safe for you at the ministry." Lee said concerned, taking a seat next to me.

"I haven't got a choice. I'm sorry." I say to the three boys that were now in the living room, all giving me the same, concerned look. "And I should probably go now."

"Be safe, okay?" Fred said, gently kissing my forehead.

"I will." I replied.

I grabbed my coat and my bag, sliding on my shoes. I waved the three boys goodbye and went down the stairs to the shop, backward into the office where the chimney is. I ignited the green roaring flame, grabbed some grey powder and stood in the fire.

"The ministry of magic!" I called, clamping my eyes shut

I heard a whooshing sound before I felt my body turn and twist in all sorts of directions before a sickening feeling took over me and finally my feet hit the ground.

I opened my eyes to reveal the beautifully designed ministry of magic, the tall tiled, dark walls gave off an ominous green glow.

I walked down the atrium towards the large fountain where lines of aurors were waiting to randomly collect random, innocent people. It was very intimidating but I managed to slide past the aurors without getting stopped.

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