Chapter: 73: A Fast Escape

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•Y/n's POV•

January faded into February which faded into March and nearly to April. It's March 31st and I couldn't be more tired.

James and Oliver are now nearly three months old and are only beginning to get into a sleeping schedule. But there are large bags under my eyes which seemed to be constantly bloodshot and heavy. But tomorrow is Fred and George's birthday 20th birthday and despite having twins, I want to make their day as special as possible.

Considering the state of the wizarding world at the moment, I couldn't really get the twins out of the house to make some preparations, which means that I'm not sleeping tonight. I managed to make two separate cakes, one for Fred and one for George when they were working in the office all day the day before sorting out their mailing orders, but also teaching James and Oliver the ways of their business and giving me a break to relax.

It also helped that Lee was a massive help with me, he helped me bake and decorate two cakes and hiding the twins presents in the babies room.

"Okay, plan is that you wake me at midnight so we can set up." I said to Lee as we were cooking dinner in the kitchen together, whilst George helped Fred bathe and change the twins ready for their bedtime.

"Sounds like a plan, but what about the babies?" Lee asked.

"If they wake up then we'll put them in the cot in here." I replied. "That way Fred can sleep."

"Okay, that's fine. Then we can finally get ready for their birthday." Lee smiled, before grabbing the utensils to lay the table.

The sun soon lowered and the twins returned. Each was holding a smiling baby in their arms, each dressed in matching pyjamas.

"Aww they look so cute!" I cooed as I walked towards the two, glancing up at the twins. "I can't believe you two will be 20 tomorrow."

"I can't believe you're nearly 20." Fred replied, handing me Oliver whilst he took James from George.

"My birthday is august. I'll still be 19 for a while." I smiled. "Now come on. Me and Lee made dinner."

"What did you make?" George asked as he took a seat at the table.

"Shepherds pie." Lee answered.

"It's a recipe that my mum made often." I glumly said. Although my parents are safe with my grandparents in Spain, I miss them terribly and it's even worse that I can't tell them that their grandparents/great-grandparents.

"You'll see them soon Y/n." Fred said supportively, placing a hand on my shoulder and rubbing it slightly.

"As soon as this stupid war is over, I'm going straight to Spain with my fiancé and babies." I firmly said.

We sat down and ate dinner, luckily I could hold a baby in one hand and eat with the other. Fred and George offered to clean up after dinner and left me and Lee to soothe the babies and give them their bottles and change their nappies before they go to bed. A little while later, Fred comes in and lets Lee go back to his room.

Lee threw me a cheeky wink before walking out of the room. I know I wasn't going to sleep well tonight, regardless of the babies. The babies fell asleep peacefully and quickly, leaving me and Fred to have an early night with the excuse of being tired from being a new mum to twins.

~.~.~At Midnight~.~.~

Midnight soon stuck and I was being shaken awake by Lee, who looked just as tired as me. I silently nodded and sat up to check the babies. Me and Lee gently picked up one baby each before glancing over at Fred. The moonlight shining through the window and onto his peaceful face.

More than Friends | (Fred Weasley x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя