Chapter 44: Quiddich Tryouts

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Y/n's POV:

"Hey Angie. How are you?" I said. It was early the next morning. I think Angelina realised that last night wasn't a joke or a dream.

"Hey y/n, I'm really stressed. Half the quidditch team is missing" she replied. Her head was in her hands.

"If it helps, the twins persuaded me to try out for the chaser spot" I reassured. Angelina's head perked up with a hopeful smile.

"Thank you y/n. George said that your really good" Angelina said to me and she pulled me into a hug. "The spot is basically yours. But I will still have to do tryouts. I put up a poster this morning. Have a look"

Angelina handed me a spare sheet. It had her neat handwriting filled the parchment.

Quidditch Tryouts!

I am looking for four spots on the quidditch team. 2 beaters, 1 Chaser and 1 Seeker. If your looking to tryout, please come to the quidditch pitch at 2:00 this afternoon.

Thank you very much.
Angelina Johnson, Quidditch captain.

"It looks great Angie" I said, handing back the parchment.

"Thank you y/n. I should go. I need to prepare for tryouts" she said. She waved me goodbye and left to go towards the quidditch pitch.

I was now alone in the common room, my boyfriend and his best friends were still asleep in their beds, but I wanted to get up early and catch up with some homework. I sat at a desk and pulled out my potions essay and a quill. Snape is making us do a essay of the effects of amortentia. I sat and wrote for what felt like hours, I scribbled the last of my essay and threw my quill down. I sighed and streached my arms. At that moment I felt two hands grab mine and pull me out of my seat. I turned around to see Fred Weasley standing there.

"Why did you leave me alone?" He asked with sad eyes.

"I'm sorry love. I wanted to get some homework done before I spend my day with you and George and Lee"

"It's okay I guess." Fred smirked.

"Oh yeah I can't hang out for long. Quidditch tryouts today" I said to him. Fred nodded and smiled at the thought that his girlfriend would be playing quidditch.

"You'll do great love. That spot is definitely yours" Fred smiled.

"Thank you love" I replied.

"I'm going Freddie" I said to him. We were sat on his bed all day but I need to go to tryouts.

"I'm coming too" Fred said jumping up and putting his shoes on his feet.

"I thought there was no spectators?" I questioned.

"Technically no. But Angelina gave me a special exception because she feels bad that I'm off the team"

"Merlin I love Angelina sometimes" I said to him.

Fred took my hand and had snatched my broom out of my hands and carried it down for me. Although I tried and failed to get it back. We walked down to the pitch in a full conversation in a attempt to put my nerves at bay, which worked for a while. We arrived to the locker room where everyone who was trying out was waiting outside.

"Good luck lovey" Fred said. "I'll be in the stand" Fred gave me a quick kiss and walked off to the stands.

"FRED!" I yelled.

"What?" He replied.

"I need my broom"

"Oh right. Yeah" Fred came running back over to me and handed my broom and ran back towards the stands.

"Right everyone" Angelina called as she came out of the tent. "Welcome to the quidditch tryouts, please get into groups. Chasers stay in front of me. Beaters to the left and seekers to the right"

We all sorted into the groups. There's about four other potential chasers. There was three seekers, one of which is Ginny Weasley. And four beaters.

"Right. Please follow me onto the pitch" Angelina said. The twelve people followed through the curtains to the locker room, then to the pitch. It was larger than it looked from the stands, but it gave me a thrill of excitement and adrenaline shot trough my body. I looked up to the stand to see a vivid red haired boy cheering my name. But Angelina ignored Fred and continued to speak.

"This is how it's going to work. All of you will go up at the same time. three chasers will play with the Quaffle and attempt to shoot, two beaters will go up and attempt to deflect bludgers and the seekers will look for the snitch. Do I make myself clear?" Her voice boomed.

Everyone nodded, me, a sixth year girl and a forth year male shot into the sky, followed by two beaters all the seekers. Angelina threw the Quaffle into the air. I immediately caught the flying leather ball and I held it under my arm and began to fly through the players and towards the goal hoops. The other two potential chasers tried to tackle the ball out of my grip and failed to do so. I flew to the hoop and threw the Quaffle right through the middle hoop. This caused uproar from Fred and Angelina.

"BRILLIANT Y/N" Angelina called.

"WOOOOO! GO Y/N! THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!" Fred yelled. This caused me to smile wide and I flew up to the stand to give him a cheeky wink.

The rest of the tryout went well. I mainly had possession of the ball, Ginny was a superb seeker and caught the snitch within minutes. None of the beaters were great. We all were huddled on the pitch. Fred made his way down and me, him and Ginny were all talking whilst waiting for results.

"You both were brilliant" Fred said. He slung his arm over my shoulder and patted Ginny's shoulder.

"Thanks Fred" Ginny said "You did awesome y/n"

"Thanks Gin. You are definitely the best seeker out of everyone" I said.

"Ahem ahem. Can I have your attention" Angelina said whilst she came out of the locker room holding a clipboard. Everyone stopped and looked at the captain. Butterflies filled my stomach, nerves and anticipation ran through my body.

"The new beaters are Jack Sloper and Andrew Kirke. Congratulations"

There was a round of applause, neither beater were any good but they were best of the four that tried out.

"The seeker is... Ginny Weasley. Congratulations"

"WELL DONE GIN!" I yelled and I pulled the young girl in for a hug and we both started to jump up and down.

"And finally, the new chaser is..."

This felt like the longest wait of my life. Fred had held my hand slightly tighter and his other hand had played with my hair.

"Y/n Y/l/n"

I felt a large relief fill me. I've done it. I'm a chaser. I felt my feet lift off the floor, Fred had lifted me up and began to twirl me around.

"YOU'VE DONE IT! YOU'VE DONE IT" Fred cheered as he finally put me down "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!"

"Thank you Freddie" I said hugging Ginny

"Well done to all of you, sorry to those who didn't make it. Practice starts next Saturday at 10:00am"

We all left the stadium, I felt overjoyed, exited and happy. The twins believed in me and I made it. Next milestone, win the next match.

A/n: Happy Wednesday! I hope you are all having a great week. Sorry for the shorter part. I normally write Wednesdays chapters at the weekend but I was doing something fun with a something I volunteer for. Anyway have a great week!

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