Chapter 22: The Third Task

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Y/n's POV:
After the twins birthday everything went back to normal. They made me let them keep some decorations to remember that day. I reluctantly agreed because I like to keep them too.

The months rolled by slowly, me and Fred have been getting stronger and stronger. George and Lee had starting betting on random things. Like when we next kiss, or when we call each other's nicknames. It's really fun. We figure it out and tease them about it.

Tomorrow was the third task. I'm nervous for Harry. He's only fourteen and has to fight through a maze. Cedric avoids me at every chance, he moved in potions but I liked working alone.

That afternoon I helped Harry along with Hermione and Ron for him to master some spells. I often became the target. Harry was getting better. I felt more at ease but still scared for him.

"Expelliarmus" he yelled. My wand flew out of my hand and onto the floor. He already mastered that spell.

"Well done Harry" Hermione cheered

"I think your all ready" I said. Exhausted for being hit with spells all afternoon. I grabbed my bag and headed down for dinner.

I took my usual seat next to Fred. The boys were already there talking about something. I wasn't listening, I wanted food then to go to sleep.

"Are you okay lovey" Fred asked whilst he wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah" I yawned.

"You seem tired" George said.

"Do I" I replied sarcastically. "I'm shattered. I've been hit with spells all afternoon."

I laid my head on Fred's shoulder whilst we wait for the food to appear on the table. I piled food onto my plate and ate, yawning between bites. Once finished I walked really slowly back to the common room.

I walked out of the great hall and immediately felt my feet being lifted off the floor and I saw Fred carrying me back to the common room. I smiled and lazily kissed him before my head falls and my eyes close into a deep sleep.

Fred's POV:
I spent the day with George and Lee. Y/n had agreed to help Harry for the third task tomorrow. We played wizards chess, exploding snap and pranked some first years. But nothing I done could get her out of my mind. Even though she's a few classrooms away I missed her.

It was finally time for dinner. We started walking to the great hall and saw no side of her.

"Fred what's wrong?" Lee asked.

"I miss y/n/n" I said.

"Bro she's been gone for three hours" George said.

"When you get a girlfriend you adore you'll know how I feels" I replied.

We made it to the great hall and I sat down desperately looking for her to walk in. A minute or two passed by when I saw her walk in with Harry, Ron and Hermione. She sat down next to me and let out a massive yawn.

"Are you okay lovey" I asked as my hand wrapped around her waist.

"Yeah" she replied and let out a huge yawn.

"You seem tired" George said jokingly.

"Do I" she said sarcastically, clearly not up for it.

She laid her head on my shoulder, it was the cutest thing I saw all day. The food then appeared and she sat up and piled food on her plate and ate. She yawned between bites. I guess Harry is hard to teach.

Once dinner was over I stood up and started walking to the exit. I turned around to see y/n walking lazily behind. She was obviously too tired to walk. I lifted her off her feet and started walking her back. She lazily kissed me before she laid her head and fell asleep.

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