Chapter 5: The first day

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I woke up early the next day. Not sure if it was excitement that I meet my idol, or nerves that I meet my idol. I silently climb out of my bed, put on my robes and sneaked out down to the common room.

I walked down the steps to see my red head twins sitting on a sofa, dressed fully in their uniform watching the fire. I heard mumbles under their breath of how to enter the triwizard tournament. We find out how to enter today.

"Good morning boys" I say messing up their hair "What a great day today" I sigh happily

"Good morning lovey" replied Fred yawning "Why are you up so early. You always sleep in longer than this"

"I can ask you the same question" I said back "what time is it anyway?"

"6:30am" yawned Fred "Me and George always wake up early to plan the days pranks"

I realised breakfast doesn't start until 7am so I sat down on the floor in front of them and discussing the pranks with them.

After a full 25 minutes of discussing, we made our way down to the great hall. It was very empty, only a few students from each house there. It's weird to see. I normally go down when it's a lot busier.

I sat down next to Fred, George say opposite us, not long after Lee Jordan sat down next to Fred. We were all discussing the pranks and classes.

I placed a croissant and a boiled egg on my plate, I started eating my breakfast when I felt a nudge on my waist. I looked over to see Fred handing me a cup of tea.

"Come on lovey, you need to drink something" He placed the tea by my plate. I took a sip, me made it perfectly. Just how I like it.

We sat in the great hall for the whole of breakfast. I looked at the time and realised I should be going.

"I should be going to class" I declared

"What have you got" asked George

"Advanced potions" I replied "Snape first thing. Good luck" said Fred

At that moment Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff in our year made his way over. He too took advanced potions, we had decided to he partners in class.

"Good morning y/n, ready to go to class?" He asked

"Yes I am. Let's go" I replied. "Bye boys" I said to tue twins and Lee.

George and Lee replied warmly. I glanced over to see Fred and gone stiff and looked angry. I decided to kiss him on the cheek, he looked as though he had melted.

"I'll see you in Defence against the dark arts" I said to the three of them. I walked out the hall with Cedric. I looked over to Fred to see his hand is touching the cheek where I kissed him, his face bright red.


Me and Cedric made our way down to the dungeons where the potions class was. We went in and sat at the back, placed our bags down and waited for Snape.

"Are you going to enter the tournament Ced" I asked curiously

"I don't know, maybe" he replied

"Well, if it helps I'd be your biggest supporter" I smiled warmly at him and he seemed less tense.

"Thank you y/n! Are you going to enter" he asked

"Me! Of course not. I don't want to die. And plus I have to stop the twins from entering" we both laughed then the tall dark figure of Severus Snape walked in. The mood died down and he set the task for today.

Me and Cedric ended up making the best potion in the class, despite of Snape's dislike we had done better than a Slytherin.

"Class dismissed" He said grumpily

Me and Cedric packed our bags, sling them over our shoulders and walked out.

"Would I, the Cedric Diggory have the pleasure to walk you, Y/n Y/l/n to her next class?" He asked sounding royal.

"You may" I replied sounding just as royal "please may Mr. Diggory walk me to defence against the dark arts?"

"Of course Miss. y/l/n" we both laughed and we walked to the class more like students then royals.

We were about early so me started messing around whilst waiting for Alastor Moody and the twins to turn up.

We started dancing around like idiots when someone walked out with a wooden leg.

"I take your Mr. Diggory and Miss y/l/n?" Asked a stern professor Moody. We immediately stood straight and my face went bright red.

"Yes Professor" we replied in unison.

"Well I take it Diggory isn't in my class" he said. Cedric apologised to Moody and left head facing down.

"And you y/l/n are in my class, go in and take a seat without dancing around" I walked in and took a seat in the second back row. I realised the twins and Lee haven't arrived yet. I got my book out and started working without saying a word.

Five minutes into class and now sign of the twins and Lee. That's when the door burst open and they ran in panting and red of embarrassment. The whole class looked at them.

"Why are you late" barked Moody

They stood there in silence heads down, with a sad
look on their face.

"Well if you have nothing to say take a seat down. I'm sorry y/l/n you have to deal with these boys. I don't know why their your friends" he said angry and turned back to the board.

Fred sat next to me got his stuff out quickly, George and Lee sat down behind us and got their stuff out just as fast.

Both mine and Fred's face were bright red. I didn't want to speak to him at that moment. He ruined my chances of making a good impression.

"Y/n look I'm sorry" whispered Fred

Moody turned around looking very angry "First you turn up late to my class, had nothing to say to me. Then sat down to a girl who already was embarrassed enough dancing around with Diggory.
If I hear you speak out of turn again I will send you to detention" he yelled. His fake eye spinning around like crazy.

Fred didn't say a word the whole class. As soon as we got out the three boys bombarded me with apologies.

"We're sorry y/n" George started

"We didn't mean to" Lee continued

"I'm so sorry lovey. I knew you wanted to make a good impression and I ruined it." Said Fred sounding like he was about to burst out crying.

"It's ok I guess" I saw the boys face light up. "But next time I won't be as nice" I continued with a massive smile on my face.

We completed the rest of our classes and head to the great hall for dinner to find out how to enter the triwizard tournament.

Authors note: Hey everyone. Sorry for the long part today! I hope you enjoyed it. This chapter is abit boring but I had to get it done.

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