Chapter 36: Dumbledore's Army

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Y/n's POV:
It's been about a week since the meeting in the hogs head. Me and Fred ended up sneaking out the castle one Saturday for our date. The pink toad made a new educational decree about banning groups unless it was approved by the high inquisitor.

"That's rubbish, I was looking forward to the classes" I moaned as I laid my head on Fred's lap and burrowed by way into his chest.

"Me to." Lee said, Fred and George's head both nodded when we saw Hermione coming over to us.

"Hey Hermione" George said.

"Did you hear about the decree. Is the DA cancelled" I asked, hoping that it wasn't.

"That's what I came over for" she said to us. "We're still meeting. The room of requirement at 7:00pm tonight"

"But what about Umbridge?" Fred asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

"We don't care anymore. You do know where the room of requirement is. Don't you?" She asked. Me and the twins and Lee all nodded our heads. "Great. Just don't get caught, I'll see the four of you later." She stood up and walked over to more Gryffindors that were also at the hogs head.

The hours passed by quickly, we soon ate dinner and ran up to our dorms to get ourselves ready. I grabbed my wand and neatened by robes before the four of us crawled out the portrait hole.

We anxiously made our way up to the seventh floor. I stood in front of a plain wall, where the entrance was. I thought about a place to practice when the wall morphed into a large, dark door. We walked in to reveal a large room, mirrors surrounded the walls and was equipped for lessons.

The hall was quite empty, there was a few Ravenclaws and Gryffindors in there. We were welcomed warmly by the golden trio and waited for the rest to arrive.

The room soon piled people in. Every house except Slytherin were there. Harry, Ron and Hermione all stood on a small step in front of everyone.

"Well," said Harry, slightly nervously.
"This is the place we've found for practice sessions, and you've — er — obviously found it OK."

We all have a silent nod to confirm to Harry we found the way easily.

''Well, I've been thinking about the sort of stuff we ought to do first and — er — " He noticed a raised hand. "What, Hermione?" He asked.

"I think we ought to elect a leader," said Hermione.

"Harry's leader," said Cho at once, looking at Hermione as though she were mad. I mean, I thought it had been decided too.

"Yes, but I think we ought to vote on it properly," said Hermione, unperturbed. "It makes it formal and it gives him authority. So — everyone who thinks Harry ought to be our leader?"

Everybody put up their hand, even Zacharias Smith, though he did it very half-heartedly. I was the first to raise my hand, I gave Harry a warm smile and a small nod.

"Er — right, thanks," said Harry. I saw his cheeks go red, not sure if he was flattered or embarrassed. "And — what,Hermione?"

"I also think we ought to have a name,"she said brightly, her hand still in the air. "It would promote a feeling of team spirit and unity, don't you think?"

We all nodded with warm smiles on our faces and began throwing name ideas around.

"Can we be the Anti-Umbridge League?" said Angelina hopefully.

"Or the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group?"       suggested Fred. I gave a loud laugh and a high five to Fred.

"I was thinking," said Hermione, frowning at Fred, "more of a name that didn't tell everyone what we were up to, so we can refer to it safely outside meetings."

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