Chapter 57: Tough News

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T/W: Mentions of death, angst and lots of crying.

Y/n's POV:

The next morning I woke up still entangled in Fred's arms. I smiled at Fred's sleeping state, untamed red hair, perfectly placed freckles and the light snores that escapes his mouth. Staring at Fred's face made the world seem peaceful and that there was no war. That we'd have a child in a war free world. I rubbed my bumbless stomach and whispered.

"I won't let you get hurt bean." I whispered to my stomach. "Mummy and daddy love you so much already."

"Yes we do." Fred's raspy morning voice said.

"Morning love." I said to him as I placed a small kiss on his lips and pulled his red hair out of his face.

"Morning darling." Fred replied as I sat up. Fred moved down my body and stopping at my stomach. "Good morning bean." He said kissing my stomach and then lightly rubbing it.

"I love you both so much." I said rubbing my stomach and a smile formed on Fred's face.

Me and Fred sat on our bed for a few minutes before the urge to throw up stopped me and caused me to leave the bed and run to the bathroom with Fred close behind me to hold my hair back as I threw up.

"I hope this ends soon." I muttered to Fred

"I hope it does too, for your sake." Fred replied with a weak smile.

"We have the scan soon!" I said as I suddenly remembered that was today. "Molly wants us there in 30 minutes."

"We better get ready then!" Fred replied.

I nodded and freshened up in the bathroom, I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and pulled my hair in a messy bun because of the summer heat. I changed into a long blue and white skirt and a matching white vest top, it was something that was easy for the scan. I applied light makeup and slipped on some sandals before grabbing my bag and walking into the living room. George and Lee were already ready for the scan, since we told them yesterday they have been arguing about who will be a better uncle.

"No!" George called. "Uncle Georgie will be the best uncle!"

"Definitely not! Uncle Lee is clearly better!" Lee replied.

"Uncle Georgie!"

"Uncle Lee!"

"Uncle Georgie"

"Uncle Lee!"

"Uncle-" George started but I cut him off, fed up with their bickering.

"Actually I'm sure uncle Bill will be the best. Or uncle Charlie, or even uncle Ron or auntie Ginny." I said. The two men looked at me dumbfounded and shocked. "Bean does not need to hear their two uncles bickering."

"Bean?" Lee asked.

"Yes. Bean." I said pointing at my stomach. Lee sighed happily and nodded.

Not too long later, we were ready to go. We locked up the flat and the shop after we left, shelves were bare as the twins have been grabbing them off the shelves for their mail in orders. Cash registers were locked after all the money was removed. I felt terrible for the twins, they started their dream business in the middle of the war and now their customers are too scared to leave their homes. The twins worked for this shop for ages, testing the products on themselves or first years with me and Lee on hand with a charm to fix anything. Hiding their products in their dorm rooms, excitedly waiting for the moment they can open a joke shop. After the shop was securely locked, I grabbed Fred's hand and he apparated us to the Burrow where we were pulled into a long hug.

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